Canes vs ***** - Honey Boo-Boo Bowl

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I really have to wonder if NoD and Golden are really just trying to see how much they can **** up before they get fired. I feel like it's a Trading Places bet between the two of them.
The only good thing about tonight is Duke going into the record books even more.
So, you'd rather have us known for losing the Duck Commander bowl, and to a bottom SEC team? Okay, that makes sense.

"To be honest I don't want miami to be known for winning the duck bowl lol so I rather them lose"
So they abandon the run in the 2nd quarter but now go back to being committed to it with a few minutes left in the 3rd down 11?

*Duke lost so Golden's winless streak against teams finishing the year ranked will continue
The only good thing about tonight is Duke going into the record books even more.

Just imagine what this offense is going to look like next year when they don't have Duke to give the ball to 85% of the time.
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