Canes vs Duke

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This made me laugh

Edit: why did I read this in the voice of the sidekick Indians announcer from major league 2?
As the OC he is responsible though. However you want to spin it. He’s paid good money to produce a lot better than this ****.
Lmfao I love takes like this. “hey you’re responsible for fumbles because if they’re doing it then you’re coaching it” Did you ever consider that maybe our players suck? Like everybody else here?
Are you saying Manny is a better coach than Mario?
No, I'm saying that these players are better than what the score in this game and season w/l record indicate. Let me be poignant about it. I have 0 to minimal problems with the defense and place the blame of this season on the OC and Mario's insistence of playing away from his team's strengths.
Could have had Kiffin for cheap.

It's like being at a bar and seeing a chick who is a 8.5 up close who keeps trying to chat you up and buying you drinks, but you ignore her for some other chick who looks like a 9 from far away. After you spend a fortune buying the "9" food and drinks for her and her friends, you get her back to your house and find out it's a dude.
Lane wasn’t going to be cheap. He is making over 7 million. Now his buyout was much cheaper than Mario’s
Every time I think we bottom out: the last OB game to UVA, Clemson raping that got Golden fired, the La Tech/Duke/FIU nightmare, etc. it proves it can be worse.

We would not win the sun belt conference this year.
I said this last week after porsters kept on slurping Mario and defending him.

We have not hit rock bottom yet.

Many people ignored my post, but I’ve watched too much football to not know a lemon when I see one.
4 turnovers is on the player's more then anything. 3 fumbles and then Garcia throwing with time to literally no one is not on the coaches. These player's are just ******* up on their own
Not to mention the fundamentals of the ball carriers…How about someone correct Knighton? If anyone watched the program, I’d be cool with this…
which I think you and others (pretty much a lot of said), that we can't repeat that game plan lol. its not gonna work.
I honestly think it would have worked if not for the muffed punt and missed field goals. I wasn't angry week 3 when we did it. Week 7 it's time to abort mission.
The whole team?
Or just kill a select few...
Let me put it this way, you put everything into your gameplan and you practice it to execution. Guess what though? It’s still up to the players to show up.
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