Canes vs Duke

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Mario gotta be regretting his decision by now right
Could have had Kiffin for cheap.

It's like being at a bar and seeing a chick who is a 8.5 up close who keeps trying to chat you up and buying you drinks, but you ignore her for some other chick who looks like a 9 from far away. After you spend a fortune buying the "9" food and drinks for her and her friends, you get her back to your house and find out it's a dude.
We aren’t planning for known weaknesses.

When your quarterback is getting sacked looking at the backs of receivers, the problem is strategy.

Plays take too long to develop for a thin o line.
No one is listening to you....but you are right.
Too many agendas in here.
To be fair Manny beat FSU 52-10 only to lose to them the following year lol So Manny could very well have lost to this Duke team. Never forget how awful Diaz was. He had complete control of the defense and hand picked every player and we were one of the worst defenses in team history last year.
I have minimal problems with the defense. The problem is the horrendous offense that we insist on running
They were fresh off a loss to APP st where they used the same gameplan. Mario being the uninovative mf he is decided to copy and paste because he saw it worked.
which I think you and others (pretty much a lot of said), that we can't repeat that game plan lol. its not gonna work.
No it’s on garcia. That coverage against that china route is a PRESNAP read not to go there with the foofball.

Garcia is as dumb as the hair on monkeys ***

He could have taken the short pass but that would not have gotten us into field goal range. He had a window to get it to Ladson if dude would have finished his route.

I maintain the opinion, that pick is on Ladson.
I know what you’re getting at. You want blood and Mario is drastically underperforming. I don’t disagree. In CFB everything is at the feet of the head coach.

I’m not even aggressive toward Mario, it’s the Mario or die crew that roasted previous coaches but give him a pass because he’s Miami bro.

We knew what we bought and this ******* place called it and said it was about the OC hire and other assistants and we are failing.

The board will explode because Duke is a first year coach so there is NO EXCUSE to look like this at home!
Dukes outplaying Miami with minimal effort.
And Syracuse looking like they might bet Clemson.

Man.. times has change.
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