Canes Offer #1 Overall Transfer DE Jared Verse

That’s what she said
denzel washington GIF
What’s the word on this guy? I’m hearing the decision is soon. FSU slurpers are feeling very confident telling him he’s the next Jermaine Johnson. Anybody know what’s up with him?
What’s the word on this guy? I’m hearing the decision is soon. FSU slurpers are feeling very confident telling him he’s the next Jermaine Johnson. Anybody know what’s up with him?
If we lose him to F$U because they have Jermaine Johnson compared to our plethora of recent DE's in the league, he's either mentally incapacitated, or it's...maybe because we don't have a single staff member in place yet. Need them for the transfer portal guys, notice we're 0 for right now in that department because these guys want to be developed...can't be developed if you don't know who's on staff. 🤷‍♂️
If we lose him to F$U because they have Jermaine Johnson compared to our plethora of recent DE's in the league, he's either mentally incapacitated, or it's...maybe because we don't have a single staff member in place yet. Need them for the transfer portal guys, notice we're 0 for right now in that department because these guys want to be developed...can't be developed if you don't know who's on staff. 🤷‍♂️
Michael Richards Yes GIF
That’s JMO. Kid hasn’t visited us so I def don’t see that happening for us unfortunately. Hopefully not FSU.
I thought that too but one comment that stood out to me in one of his interviews is he specifically said he was relying on a lot of online presentations as far as how the school is, and it’s ultimately a football decision. Him not visiting might not be too much of a factor
He said last week that a decision could be coming today. I believe he’s going to choose between Tennessee and Florida State. I haven’t directly heard that Miami isn’t involved but talking to people familiar with the recruitment indicate that Miami may be on the outside looking in

-Per CIS favorite Gaby
FSU sucks so bad he knows he will play, and they can sell him on being the next Jermaine Johnson.
He can play at Tennessee too, and for a better team! If he goes to FSU they have to be spending their bag money they saved on Hunter, to explain Kids playing out eligibility for a 5-7 program.