Canes bs Wolfpack 7pm RSN or ACCNX

Thought at 2-0 count, we'd just walk him.
He gets nothing the rest of the game.
Every game matters for seating at this point.
It may, but it shouldn't. It's an embarrassment if college baseball doesn't realize these conference tournaments are for last in-last out bubble teams, period. I gave you the arithmetic earlier. Why should one game out of 56 matter more than Game 1 or 4 or 7 of the regular conference schedule?
It may, but it shouldn't. It's an embarrassment if college baseball doesn't realize these conference tournaments are for last in-last out bubble teams, period. I gave you the arithmetic earlier. Why should one game out of 56 matter more than Game 1 or 4 or 7 of the regular conference schedule?
If it matters to the committee, it matters. You don't have to convince us. We have no say.
Palm gives up a lead off single.

If another guy gets on I would get someone up in the pen.