Canes Baseball Assistant Corch Tracker

I appreciate your passion and support @canesstevealum08. That’s typically me. I have a long track record of finding a positive in everything Miami. But this one was too much for me. I hope you can say told you so to me in a few years but I don’t see it.

But the mental game should at least improve.
I’m not wander so you won’t hear I told you so only some of us claim to be the smartest in the room
Give us your top five list since you’re such an expert. You wanted a scientist from wake. So any others?

Here's an example: Wake Forest found a guy who cut his teeth at St. Johns then moved up to Maryland and then was ready for the ACC. Those dudes are out there.

If I did that research to appease you, I would be spending more time on it than JD did, so no thank you. We will go with the mental health coordinator since JD "trusts" him.
Here's an example: Wake Forest found a guy who cut his teeth at St. Johns then moved up to Maryland and then was ready for the ACC. Those dudes are out there.

If I did that research to appease you, I would be spending more time on it than JD did, so no thank you. We will go with the mental health coordinator since JD "trusts" him.
Isn’t that guy from upstate New York? What are the odds he wants to move to Miami to make a pitching coaches salary? You have to find guys that I actually like it here.
Isn’t that guy from upstate New York? What are the odds he wants to move to Miami to make a pitching coaches salary? You have to find guys that I actually like it here.

No, see, that's what we call an "example". That dude isn't leaving that situation to go to Miami.
But you’re making my point for me very few of those guys that work in small schools are making a move to a big city like Miami and I got him confused with the Vandy guy my mistake

Coaches are alpha males. They want the next challenge and they want to move up. They don't care where it takes them. Dudes aren't turning down Miami because "I'm a northeastern guy".
Coaches are alpha males. They want the next challenge and they want to move up. They don't care where it takes them. Dudes aren't turning down Miami because "I'm a northeastern guy".
Not necessarily because they’re Northeastern guys but I guarantee you they’re making barely above six figures at the old school and then I have to factor cost of living in Miami. It makes a huge difference.
Coaches are alpha males. They want the next challenge and they want to move up. They don't care where it takes them. Dudes aren't turning down Miami because "I'm a northeastern guy".
So you’re saying, you know plenty of small school guys that would love to work at Miami?
Miami is a terrible place to live… the weather sucks… zero access to quality talent to hitch your wagon too… zero program history… cmon man
That works in football and basketball where You’re giving assistants high six figure salary’s, not Baseball very different
What’s the max number of asst coaches they can hire? We had 3 last year, in addition to Gino. It sounds like Brandon Brewer is coming back, Lovelady possible, and someone mentioned Mike Tosar as hitting coach. Can they hire more than 3?
What’s the max number of asst coaches they can hire? We had 3 last year, in addition to Gino. It sounds like Brandon Brewer is coming back, Lovelady possible, and someone mentioned Mike Tosar as hitting coach. Can they hire more than 3?
3 full time but one spot already taken
Coaches are alpha males. They want the next challenge and they want to move up. They don't care where it takes them. Dudes aren't turning down Miami because "I'm a northeastern guy".
JD confirmed why I always suspected in todays presser: He never wanted to leave the city of Miami. He got the pitching coach job with zero experience and now walked into the HC job. All these coaches we were talking about uprooted themselves and their families and put in the work no matter what city or state it was.
What’s the max number of asst coaches they can hire? We had 3 last year, in addition to Gino. It sounds like Brandon Brewer is coming back, Lovelady possible, and someone mentioned Mike Tosar as hitting coach. Can they hire more than 3?
As of July 1st, it’ll be three. Before that (Brandon Brewer) had to work for free.