Can Miami compete in today's football environment?

The number is inflated because they count the fully allowed number for room and board and tuition. When that is counted, we are in the top 10 in spending on the football program.

Hurr Durr. We lost. So now we can never compete again.

I know it's emotional when we lose, but come on. I saw this young team improve a bit today. Baby steps I know, but I noticed things. I posted them in the bright spots thread.

Bototm line to me for the future is, to **** with self imposing if we do get bowl eligible. These young kids need all those extra practices IMO. They will continue to grow.

Go Canes!

This. As bad as our D still is we are starting to see improvements.
Let me know when the 4 and 5 star kids stop coming here, we stop getting top 10 and 15 classes and we start battling FAU and Western Kentucky for the bulk of our classes with none of our players being recruited by the big boys in FL and rest of the country.

Until then, nothing else matters
I've said it multiple times. When Golden has kids like Deon Bush and Duke as Juniors or Seniors, we are going to be the best team in the ACC. Jimbo will be fired after next year at FSU for doing the same **** every year and they will have to start from scratch again.
What I'm saying didn't come from this loss or any other. It is simply an observation I've had throughout this recent decline of the football program. A rational individual can't look at the Miami football program and all it's disadvantages compared to the elite schools this fanbase likes to put the school on the same level with and not see several recurring issues that aren't going away. There are two sides to this, there's me who thinks that the football program will not rejoin the ranks of the college football elite and then there are those of you that think the Canes will.

My view on this is admittedly pessimistic but there really isn't much room for optimism and this program over the long run to me.
What I'm saying didn't come from this loss or any other. It is simply an observation I've had throughout this recent decline of the football program. A rational individual can't look at the Miami football program and all it's disadvantages compared to the elite schools this fanbase likes to put the school on the same level with and not see several recurring issues that aren't going away. There are two sides to this, there's me who thinks that the football program will not rejoin the ranks of the college football elite and then there are those of you that think the Canes will.

My view on this is admittedly pessimistic but there really isn't much room for optimism and this program over the long run to me.

You aren't properly factoring in the state we were in when Golden took over. It's still recurring because you don't just turn it right around this quick. Not even a guy like Saban could bring us out of the ******* in the 2nd season with all this program is facing. The last 2 coaches decimated us by being lazy in all aspects of being a coach, especially recruiting certain positions.
Do the other top teams have a frikkin' Defensive Coordinator? That doesn't try to install one of the most difficult defenses, even for the pros, to implement?

Do their Offensive Coordinators change up to passing just when you start to have some rhythm and success running the ball? Or having a rb throw a pass on third (or fourth) and short? WTF?

If we didn't change a damned thing from last year - except our increase in strength and stamina from last year - we'd win eight or nine games this year.

I don't get it.

How about some F***ING BASICS???

there is a very simple reason for the inflation of that number.

lets see if anyone can figure it out.

Top 15 in gameday spending as well, so your point is not really a point.

why do you think the gameday expenses are so high?

ill give you hint: it has nothing to do with making the program better.
I've said it multiple times. When Golden has kids like Deon Bush and Duke as Juniors or Seniors, we are going to be the best team in the ACC. Jimbo will be fired after next year at FSU for doing the same **** every year and they will have to start from scratch again.

i hope youre right, but this is the same **** that was said in 2008
The answer is no.

Not until we have our own stadium on campus or close to campus
Winning in college football at a school like Miami isn't ******* hard.

Defensive line. Defensive Line. Offensive Line. The rest should fall into place simply by living in South Florida. Skill position players, linebackers, and defensive backs grow on trees. There is always a plethora of defensive line, but Miami hasn't been able to recruit them and get their commitment in recent years. Offensive line is a little more difficult to get, but Miami's got commitments from good ones, but as a unit, they've underwhelmed.
Hurr Durr. We lost. So now we can never compete again.

I know it's emotional when we lose, but come on. I saw this young team improve a bit today. Baby steps I know, but I noticed things. I posted them in the bright spots thread.

Bototm line to me for the future is, to **** with self imposing if we do get bowl eligible. These young kids need all those extra practices IMO. They will continue to grow.

Go Canes!

Joe, Joe, Joe...
Miami is in the top 7 in the country in football program spending spending...

Even if true, it's only because of the UM accounting principle of allocating all football tuition against the AD.

Absolutely horrible, misleading and ignorant post.

The big programs generate 3x the income and spend 2x what we do.
I don't think we can. Until Miami is willing to pay top dollars for coaches and coordinators, we should all be content with 8 win seasons. It takes most programs about 3-4, maybe 5 years to rebuild. We're going on 10 + right now. Why is that? It's like the mom and pop coffee shop trying to compete with Starbucks. Not happening.
As I've said before you have to be down right retarded to fail as a coach at Miami. Easiest school to succeed at as a coach.

Why are people acting like big money just got to college football. Big money from big boosters has been around for decades. We never had that advantage. Our facilities have never been up to par. The one thing we lost that really hurts is the orange bowl. Otherwise we are still in a hotbed we still resonate with high school players and we can still pull in a top ten class.

The answer is yes we can compete as much today as we did in the 80s early 90s and early 2000s. The more things change in college football the more they stay the same. We can still be a top ten program. We have the coaches we just need the recruits and those are coming.
As much as I love UM and as much I would want for this not to be true.....we aint playing for any BSC championship anytime soon. We aint relevant nor will we be relevant anytime soon
Shalala. Make every other school suffer her hiring coaches for a decade, and we would be back among the elite in about three years and stay there.
you're looking at this wrong. The amount of money a school brings is irrelevant to cheating. In the vast majority of incidences of money being passed around it is coming from boosters.

Miami has some very wealthy boosters and they can definitely compete in that type of money game if they really wanted too. Where they may be a little short is the amount of big money they just have to pick their spots better