Cam Ward to Portal

Based on some of the comments I saw people make during games I find it hard to believe a lot of you guys can maintain an erection long enough to make a kid

Most of CIS self image:
Oh My God Omg GIF by The Bachelor

go limp GIF

we have 2 daughters and I’ve been really lucky because they are amazing even in the newborn stages…barely ever cried, slept most of the night, etc. just angels lol
You sure you didn’t get them from toys r us ?
You sure you didn’t get them from toys r us ?
Lol 😂 I remember sneaking our oldest into a professional event (she was like 6 months old) and after when everyone saw me they were like wth we didn’t even know there was a baby in here she didn’t make a peep.
As you may know or not, Polynesians have big families. My wife and I, have 8 kids. 4 boys and 4 girls. Ages range from 20 to 3, we also have a set of triplets. Before our triplets we only had two children age 5 and 2. My wife and I was like, lets have one more child......that next birth were the triplets who are now 16 years old😂😂.

Did I do this right? Ward/Howard lets go.....