Tears Cal Tears


It looks like his foot is out of bounds there, but upon looking at it more closely and seeing other angles, it’s clear that in this image his foot is actually still in the air and comes down in bounds.

Still, the refs blew that backward pass review, which likely would have put Cal far enough behind the chains that they punt in that situation rather than get points.
It looks like his foot is out of bounds there, but upon looking at it more closely and seeing other angles, it’s clear that in this image his foot is actually still in the air and comes down in bounds.

Still, the refs blew that backward pass review, which likely would have put Cal far enough behind the chains that they punt in that situation rather than get points.
This was clearly backward an a 7-8 yard loss on the play.
I keep hearing people here saying Ott was out of bounds on the long TD run. Is this really a thing? Iirc they never showed the sideline angle. Looked close but I didn’t think back to that call to say he was definitely OOBs. Was there another angle that wasn’t shown during the broadcast?


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Ok but that article is mostly on the smell from growing it or from dispensaries. Last night was just a straight up smokathon - like the smell from so many people smoking weed in public, and it was everywhere.
Not gonna lie, that stadium/fraternity house pregame scene was an impressive rager.

If you think that smoke-athon was bad, go to a small venue with a reggae artist playing out in Cal. I literally had to leave. Like couldn’t breathe “plain” oxygen.
I’m surprised people are still smoking and not using edibles. It’s probably an age group thing. Under 30 smokes, over 30 takes edibles
Edibles are weird. Smoking smells. Vaping is the wave of the future. No stink. No weirdness like edibles. Instabake with no stank. Discreet. Disposable. Sold in his and hers colors and styles.
Edibles are weird. Smoking smells. Vaping is the wave of the future. No stink. No weirdness like edibles. Instabake with no stank. Discreet. Disposable. Sold in his and hers colors and styles.
Yeah edibles require some forward planning and knowledge of exactly how a particular edible will impact you, which is sometimes not just the number of MGs.
But I switched to edibles about 5 years so that I was not taking any more smoke in my lungs.

I will vape as well, especially if I want a much quicker impact. But most of the time I go back to the exact same gummy at the exact same time on Friday night.
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1. Where did you go to undergrad?
2. Why are you the way you are?
3. Why do people refer to themselves as "The Greek"? You don't see any other nationalities do that?

4. Why does he believe that blacks are better athletes because the slave-owners bred them to be, what with their high thighs and thighs that go up into their backs? [clearly a sarcastic joke referencing Jimmy the Greek]
Yeah edibles require some forward planning and knowledge of exactly how a particular edible will impact you, which is sometimes not just the number of MGs.
But I saw switched to edibles about 5 years so that I was not taking any more smoke in my lungs.

I will vape as well, especially if I want a much quicker impact. But most of the time I go back to the exact same gummy at the exact same time on Friday night.
Ain't getting old fun?
The most mind-blowing thing about all of it is that it is A) legal, B) cheaper than it was when I was in college (early 90s) and C) more potent. It's like the anti-inflation commodity.
Ain't getting old fun?
The most mind-blowing thing about all of it is that it is A) legal, B) cheaper than it was when I was in college (early 90s) and C) more potent. It's like the anti-inflation commodity.
Though I must admit I still enjoy being able to walk into a store and walk out with legal cannabis.

What I was not prepared for a few weeks ago while in SoCal was my buddy walking up to a cop and asking for directions while we were smoking a joint. It’s just been so many years of trying to hide my weed from cops that I can’t marry the 2 things.
Though I must admit I still enjoy being able to walk into a store and walk out with legal cannabis.

What I was not prepared for a few weeks ago while in SoCal was my buddy walking up to a cop and asking for directions while we were smoking a joint. It’s just been so many years of trying to hide my weed from cops that I can’t marry the 2 things.
Totally. The days of being worried about being busted with a bowl and bag of mexican ragweed are looooong gone.