Cal Pitt

Cal this game - 336 yards
Our game - 376 yards

Pitt yards this game - 277
Miami yards in the 4th quarter last week - 278

Right now, Pitt is asking, how did Miami run up and down the field on this team.
Outside of four plays Cal had a little more than 100 yards against us. I know if if if...but if we cut out the bs plays we win going away.
the yardage early on the game Cal got against us was all on Miami. Miami stopped ******* up and made Cal look like the ***** on offense they are.
Cal this game - 336 yards
Our game - 376 yards

Pitt yards this game - 277
Miami yards in the 4th quarter last week - 278

Right now, Pitt is asking, how did Miami run up and down the field on this team.
And the answer is...

Come on now. Every single time a team doesn’t look great against another team but looked good against us, the excuse can’t be “we are everyone’s Super Bowl.” I don’t think Cal wants to lose 2 in a row so they also have motivation for this game. I think our game exposed a lot of flaws. Coverage busts are going to be a problem because the DBs don’t have eye discipline and they don’t have the makeup speed to cover for their mistakes.
I have one question, and only one question.

How did our D allow 38 points to that trash Cal offense?
Not playing assignment football, which that Pitt defense has been doing for... I've stopped counting how many years at this point.

They run the same match quarter defense for years that prevents big plays and forces offenses to be very disciplined and careful. We're the opposite and play undisciplined as a result.
I have one question, and only one question.

How did our D allow 38 points to that trash Cal offense?
Really it was like 4 or 5 monster plays. Other than that it didnt feel like much was given up. They def didn't run on miami at all...either way never should have given up positive, is miami has def scored WAY more on Cal than anyone else

Listen to this guy whine. This guy coached them to play dirty against us. Now that the gig is up, he’s throwing his players under the bus. They cried losing to us, none of those dirty plays mattered, but the one phantom targeting was the only reason they lost, smh…