"Built By Bama" ( 60 minutes special): An Inside Look Of What Mario Cristobal is bringing to Miami

Not really, they professionalized the college ranks by leading the arms race in cfb. They became a factory. The facilities, support staff and attention to detail. We never had the money part of it down like them. They made it cool to go play for hicks in the middle of nowhere.
My bad I meant more like roster building. And corner throw them there cause u have the best of the best front seven your OLs are crazy good and skill positions are the best of the best. First rounders all over. I always thought if UM stood status quo they would break all Miami records eventually.
I hate all things baga. Their history, culture, politics, sports, some of the people and even their trees! I laughed because gawga beat them in the 4th qtr. So I guess baga don't have a lock on training techniques.
Smart uses the "4th quarter program" that Saban used to train his players. Heck Scott Cochran who was prominent in that video is now at UGA as well. I know that Tucker at Michigan State also uses Saban's 4th quarter program and Mario has talked about it extensively. The "Program Building " Blueprint is what he is bringing over here and with our athletes and the cash at hand we are about to run a train on these fools.
Smart uses the "4th quarter program" that Saban used to train his players. Heck Scott Cochran who was prominent in that video is now at UGA as well. I know that Tucker at Michigan State also uses Saban's 4th quarter program and Mario has talked about it extensively. The "Program Building " Blueprint is what he is bringing over here and with our athletes and the cash at hand we are about to run a train on these fools.
Kirby Smart copied "Built By BAMA" down to his stationary when he left Tuscaloosa. Frankly, it's going to be difficult for Hurricane fans to jump all over the BAMA way and keep a straight face from here on out. Billy Napier, Mel Tucker, Jimbo Fisher, Kirby Smart, Mario Cristobal, Lane Kiffin, Steve Sarkisian, are a few of the Saban disciples who are busy right now building their programs to mirror what they saw at Alabama. You can almost smell it in the air, Florida and Miami will be back soon on the national level. TAMU has talent galore and a NC resume coach in Fisher and even Michigan State is doing crazy stuff in the B1G with almost smoke and mirrors at this point. Kiffin has everyone in Mississippi reaching for their popcorn. I actually expect Texas to have a different culture next season.

For the most part, they all are more than capable of bringing talent into their program. To be fair, player development and attention to detail have failed a few head coaches off the Saban tree, like Jeremy Pruitt and Will Muschamp. This kinda brings me to coach Saban's greatest gift, the guy gets human nature. He really is a master psychologist with his players. The same I believe was true of coach Bryant for all those years at BAMA. Regardless of how well you take notes, that gift is going to be hardest for anyone to emulate.
So just heard the Cristobal interview with Joe Rose this morning. One if the things he said was they are pouring resources into "life after football" "careers" etc. Saying that what they are doing now is upping the ante significantly at Miami and that they expect their career paths to be superior than what any other university can offer. They are not hus talking about it to recruits but showing them their plans.

This struck me because in the 60 minutes interview ( from 2013) Saban was talking that commiting to Bama was a "40 year decision" because of the opportunities it would offer ( In contrast Mario called committing to Miami a lifetime decision). So once again the blueprint for program building will come from what he learned and I expect that he will add his own flair to that as well!