Bruce suspension 3 games

Three games? Thankful for scheduling but would preferred him available for App State.

Barry Jackson tweeted 3 games for both, then deleted his tweet and changed it to this

Barry Jackson ‏@flasportsbuzz 4m4 minutes ago
UM suspends Gerald Willis for 1 game (tonight only), Sam Bruce for 3 games (stiffer than 2-game suspension expectec).

Don't down vote me, ****ers, because he's a dumbass

A humble suggestion: post your source in these type of things instead of sticking to what that
dumbass originally tweeted.
There's very likely more to the story. Original story was he was posting the pic because a dude stole his girl. May have been a threat which is serious when it involves weapons.
There's very likely more to the story. Original story was he was posting the pic because a dude stole his girl. May have been a threat which is serious when it involves weapons.

Yeah it was a pretty serious situation. Whatever see him in the canes game after the app state game
There's very likely more to the story. Original story was he was posting the pic because a dude stole his girl. May have been a threat which is serious when it involves weapons.

Yeah it was a pretty serious situation. Whatever see him in the canes game after the app state game

Dude got kicked out of school, but faced no legal penalties or punishment. I personally thought the 1 game suspension was dumb, but okay, I can get it. But three?

We gonna start suspending kids for getting in fights their Senior year, too? I under stand sending a message and setting a tone as far as expectations, but games for that is a head scratch. My only guess is that it's specific to Bruce since he had his fair share of suspensions and episodes throughout his time at STA.
Wow, the world has changed. I had a couple weapons in the trunk of my car from 10 grade until, well today. This is the South, we own and carry.
He's redshirting anyways. This just makes it look like the university is cracking down more when in reality he wasnt gonna see the field... They could suspend him for the whole season what's the difference
There's very likely more to the story. Original story was he was posting the pic because a dude stole his girl. May have been a threat which is serious when it involves weapons.

Yeah it was a pretty serious situation. Whatever see him in the canes game after the app state game

Dude got kicked out of school, but faced no legal penalties or punishment. I personally thought the 1 game suspension was dumb, but okay, I can get it. But three?

We gonna start suspending kids for getting in fights their Senior year, too? I under stand sending a message and setting a tone as far as expectations, but games for that is a head scratch. My only guess is that it's specific to Bruce since he had his fair share of suspensions and episodes throughout his time at STA.
Man, y'all overrated at AQM and Grace without all the facts. You wanna do it twice in the same week? Violation of team rules could mean anything and could be something new that hasn't went public.
There's very likely more to the story. Original story was he was posting the pic because a dude stole his girl. May have been a threat which is serious when it involves weapons.

Yeah it was a pretty serious situation. Whatever see him in the canes game after the app state game

Dude got kicked out of school, but faced no legal penalties or punishment. I personally thought the 1 game suspension was dumb, but okay, I can get it. But three?

We gonna start suspending kids for getting in fights their Senior year, too? I under stand sending a message and setting a tone as far as expectations, but games for that is a head scratch. My only guess is that it's specific to Bruce since he had his fair share of suspensions and episodes throughout his time at STA.
Man, y'all overrated at AQM and Grace without all the facts. You wanna do it twice in the same week? Violation of team rules could mean anything and could be something new that hasn't went public.

Trust me, I know all too well about the ol' "violation of team rules." I remember two players at UNC were suspended under Butch for "violation of team rules", when in reality they had tag-teamed a drunk chick (no, like literally, they tagged in and out) without her knowledge. She never pressed charges, but you get the point.

If there's more to the story, I'd certainly love to hear it, but it's not like this is a new thing in regards to Bruce.
He's redshirting anyways. This just makes it look like the university is cracking down more when in reality he wasnt gonna see the field... They could suspend him for the whole season what's the difference

Yeah, I don't know exactly when it became assumed that Bruce wasn't redshirting this year. Like I wouldn't be surprised if he does see action but it seems like everyone is just rolling like it's a given.