This is my last post unless you come up with the data to support your claim. You can go on a tangent, diatribe or whatever but even your own data shows a difference of 4 spots.
Things in the NBA change fast, the draft 5 years ago doesnt reflect what a current draft looks like.
1. The rules have been the same for the NBA draft since 2006.
2. Even if you think 5 years is too long; your tiny sample (2 years) shows a difference of ONLY 4 spots. Let me repeat that part, there is ONLY a difference of 4 spots. 4 spots.
I dont really have the time to be your personal statistician and calculate what you want to see every time you move the goal posts. The stats have been provided to you but you just want to ignore them.
1. Nobody moved the goal posts. The point has been the same the WHOLE time.
2. Again, even your tiny sample shows no significant difference. Unless going from the 37th pick to the 41st pick is a tremendous difference.
3. My own "personal statistician" aka "I can't prove it so I am just going to deflect and throw chit at the wall" You seem to have plenty of time to respond to this post, so show the data that Bruce's decision made sense. Because over the last 2 years (according to your data), there was a difference of 4 spots. 4 spots. Yes, 4 spots. What a tremendous difference!!!!
You seem to be letting your saltiness towards Bruce's decision cloud your vision on this one. The fact is the statistics show he would have a lower chance at getting drafted and would most likely go at a lower position in the draft if he stayed.
1. Saltiness? We're discussing it. If you don't like it, then move on.
2. You also didn't prove the second sentence above. Again, if you show that 50 22 YOs entered the draft and only 9 were drafted versus 50 21 YOs entered the draft and 20 were drafted, then you can say that there is a less likelihood of a 22 YO getting drafted over a 21 YO.
3. If Brown had a similar season (this year) as last year and was injury free, I would have said go. It makes sense. Enter the draft. But that didn't happen. Bruce was injured, regressed and possibly have more room to grow. There is no point to stay if things are the same but things were NOT the same.
4. Finally, I am not disputing that an older player (in general) may be less appealing than a younger player. If you're comparing a 22 YO to a 19 YO, there could be a tremendous difference. The thing is, we're not comparing 19 v. 22. We're comparing 22 v. 21. Over the last 2 years, only ONE more 21 YO was drafted over 22 YO. Finally, according to your data, the average drafted player (22 v. 21) was a difference of 4 spots. Neither demonstrates a significant difference.