Brian Kelly crying about Miami buying players

At least Mario didn't let a student film guy die on his watch. F Kelly and the mule he rode in on. Now that he's a fake Cajun he'll understand that.
It’s funny you called him fake Cajun, he doesn’t even looks like he belongs there 😂


The sad thing D$ is that no major media outlets or any sports investigators have scoffed at this man out loud or even better done an exclusive inside scoop on the shady business going down at $EC schools for years.

We all know why ESPN won’t do it. It would be bad for business. BUT there has to be one unbiased journalist out there willing to put the whole SEC on blast. Saban should definitely be sent down Shtick’s Creek without a paddle with his whining about the corruption of NIL to CFB.

At least some of the sleazy $EC coaches know to mind their mouth because they have skeletons in the closet. These two buffoons though want to act like Jesus, while playing with the devil.

Leonardo Dicaprio Reaction GIF by Once Upon A Time In Hollywood
Just rewatch 2017 The U v ND game. His resting ***** face is so ******* delicious! An absolute whoop *** on all levels. Enjoy friend!
loved that game but hate how we all look back on that so much. before that it was defeating wvu in the bowl game.. But agree he had no idea the whopping that was coming.
He doesn’t deserve a man’s punch. He deserves a ***** slap right across the face.

Leave a big red handprint on that fat ******* face of his.
I remember seeing a post somewhere idk if it was a LSU board or what, someone told someone else brian kelly would kick their ***, the response was yeah right kid go back to ****ing off or something. that may of been on here. I got a good chuckle.

Waiting for the media to give Oregon 💩 like Miami got.

Up here in loserville they compare miami w/ A&M yet we didn't have a bunch of guys transfer out made no sense. They just clumped both together as bad "cultures". Dogged out Ruiz, I called in and got myself blocked from the local sponsored station.