Breakout player on offense

Taylor Gadbois.

Somebody in the Hecht told me that if Gadbois plays during the season like he played during spring, he will consider going pro. That is how talented he is.

Unfortunately, he's physically better than he is mentally. There will be a few early hiccups, so if he can withstand those and keep his confidence the sky is the limit.

Ive heard the opposite; Ive heard there's concern about the right side of the line, and its nowhere near the left.. Im hearing the left side is SECish.. I guess theres obvious reasons fron an experience standpoint, but we gotta be careful setting expectations here, or we'll start hearing we have the best OL in the ACC/country soon, and then the standard meltdown begins when Gadbois puts up a seantrel like performance. wouldnt be surprised if McDermott emerges here

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