Is Aranda drunk? You’re down 17, take the FG.
Auditioning to be Mario’s next DC.
Is Aranda drunk? You’re down 17, take the FG.
Holy **** he did it again down 10Auditioning to be Mario’s next DC.
Anyone that hates what Bielema is doing hates Butch Davis and calls his family mean names... I mean not as mean as how away game fans treated us that brought tears this year, but pretty meanBielema - that was awesome!!!
Beamer is soft. Bielema has been messing with him all game with the slow substitutions.
Bad decision. Not because of hindsight, but the fact that it took you 7 tries to get it into the end zone (with the penalty) should let you know the odds are really against the 2 pointer.Ol’ Jedd decided to do a Tom Osborne and go for the win on the 2-pointer. Got the same result, too.
He tries so hardLittle Beamer swears he's a tough guy.
how embarrassing.... i was dying..Yall see the boise st guy with a flag fall down lulz