Boise State OC Dirk Koetter, who is leaving, has posted this on his facebook account

SMH at the hypocrisy of these coaches. Coaches jump ship for bigger programs and bigger paydays and nobody bats an eye, but when a player does it they’re the first to complain. I’m sure that when Koetter left Boise for the Arizona Stare HC gig money had nothing to do with it…

He’s not wrong. College football is being ruined. It’s not really that fun to follow anymore. It’s just a race to pay for the best players. Even the NFL has a salary cap to equalize paying players. College football is completely out of control and I am afraid it’s beyond repair.
There needs to be collective bargaining so there can be a set of rules. Even the pros have them.

I think it’s going to take a couple of more years for some of these schools that have paid large sums of money but have nothing to show for it to band together.

The pros don’t have the entire team up for free agency after every season or even multiple times in the off season. And each team has a salary cap.

Players need to get a union and the teams need to get a rep and then they iron out 2 year contracts, limited penalty free portal options, and salary and player position caps.
College Coaches crying/whining about players getting bags will always be hilarious to me, ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun is it? ..made billions of dollars while players couldn’t even sign their own jerseys to re-up on some cup noodles all while these holier than thou coaches abandoned players/schools for bigger & better million dollar contracts smh go cry me a river.
Does any body else here read this:

Dirk Koetter​

But see this:

Dirk Diggler​

College Coaches crying/whining about players getting bags will always be hilarious to me, ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun is it? ..made billions of dollars while players couldn’t even sign their own jerseys to re-up on some cup noodles all while they abandoned players/schools for bigger & better million dollar contracts smh go cry me a river.
I agree as to the coaches whining, I’m glad they’re getting paid. They need a structure though like the NFL has or they’ll destroy the sport. You’re already seeing it in recruiting.
Duke played a bowl game without their starting QB tonight. He's heading to Oregon State.
Duke's QB from last year just won the Sugar Bowl for Notre Dame.
That's TWO high level QB's that Duke recruited/developed... QB's that could've changed the trajectory of their program. Gone.
…you do know Maalik Murphy transferred to Duke, right?

(He also sucks and I’m not convinced they didn’t push him out with how quickly the Mensah commitment happened, but different topic)

I agree as to the coaches whining, I’m glad they’re getting paid. They need a structure though like the NFL has or they’ll destroy the sport. You’re already seeing it in recruiting.
I actually believe that there will eventually be some type of structure in place to regulate NIL and transfer rules in the future, but I guarantee you if Ohio state offered this dude the OC job he would 100% abandon Boise State for the same Money and Opportunity that he’s whining/*****ing about his players having.
That’s the one rule they should put back. Sit out for transfer if they want some sort of control but it will never go back. But the pay for play that was everyone, we did it and everyone else even in our down years. Just schools went crazy and upped those bags and when the new generation of players came around (all about money) we were finished.
First transfer is free, second transfer you have to sit out a year. That would solve a lot of it.

The horse has already bolted RE sitting out a year for that first transfer - you'd be taken to court.
Like I’ve been saying.. this all could have been avoided by the NCAA. All they had to do was share just a piece of the pie like the players asked before the government stepped in.. now it’s the Wild Wild West and ain’t **** they can do about it
It's a joke, and a slap in the face to coaches at places like Boise State.

To succeed with lower ranked players requires a lot more detailed evaluations combined with great development.
That used to be the way teams like Boise would make decent runs.

Do that now, and richer schools are coming to take your players. The players that YOU evaluated and developed.

Duke played a bowl game without their starting QB tonight. He's heading to Oregon State.
Duke's QB from last year just won the Sugar Bowl for Notre Dame.
That's TWO high level QB's that Duke recruited/developed... QB's that could've changed the trajectory of their program. Gone.

**** is fvcked up.

I understand what you are saying but Maalik Murphy is transferring to Oregon St because after leading Duke to only their third 9 win season in program history, Duke brought in his replacement at $4million a year and told Murphy good luck at your next stop.

He owed nothing to them.
SMH at the hypocrisy of these coaches. Coaches jump ship for bigger programs and bigger paydays and nobody bats an eye, but when a player does it they’re the first to complain. I’m sure that when Koetter left Boise for the Arizona Stare HC gig money had nothing to do with it…

F that guy… I fully support the free market system

However, with some tweaks, players transferring every 6 months is a ****show
I agree as to the coaches whining, I’m glad they’re getting paid. They need a structure though like the NFL has or they’ll destroy the sport. You’re already seeing it in recruiting.
Nothing will be fixed until there’s collective bargaining with a college football players association and there is some type of governing body that all major conferences are members of and agree to adhere to governance. Like the NCAA, only real, not corrupt.

This won’t happen for quite some time because the SEC and Big Ten only care about themselves and consolidating their power and financial strength through ESPN and Fox. The ACC and Big 12 are on the outside looking in. The NFL structure works because almost all revenue is shared equally because the owners know what’s best for the collective is best for everyone. Except for maybe Jerry Jones.

This is more difficult in college because they are far more than 32 teams. What will end up happening is the SEC and Big Ten will have one more expansion cycle and those two conferences will be the tier one of college football. The remainder of the ACC and big 12 will be a second tier above G5.

This is why the most important issue for the University of Miami is to get out of the ACC and join one of those two conferences.

Otherwise, the program is on the outside looking in.
By the time the powers that be attempt to rectify this mess, it will be too late.

I purchased season tickets for the first time in my life for Miami. I will be flying across America to watch and support them next season. The plan was to do this for the next 30 years or so. I am uncertain about that, as the state of CFB is really turning me off.

Same is true with CBB. And I am a true die hard, been supporting my small private colleges for decades. What's occurring is a disgrace. Yeah, kids should get paid, but this aint it. The whole system is trash. From the top down.

I'll enjoy it while it lasts, and eventually dump it all into pro sports.
So basically this is an outcry to plea with people to donate to the NIL collective to compete with everyone else so they can also outbid everyone else for kids? Got it… guys don’t forget to donate to the UM collective and any amount helps… lol…