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**** I was gonna PM you about this. I remembered you said you were gonna dish some dirt after we were eliminated from the coastal.

Good stuff and I don't doubt any of it. Golden is garbage and a cancer to this program.

Don't even give a ***** anymore.. You dont believe me ***** you

*Golden did not want Ice on the coaching staff at all.... He initially said no- Why? I dont know. I was told Golden lost the team and ICE was brought in to bring team together

*Your favorite players did tell Valentine I wouldnt come here to Genron and he expressed it to Valentine that is 100% true.

*Players and parents asked Golden if he considered taking Penn State job and he dodged the question and did not answer it. He said things like "what matters is I am here.' Some Players lost all respect for Golden after that.

* Barrow did not get along with Donofrio, and thats what got Golden fired, they had a big fall out and I dont know if a fight happened between coaches but Barrow had to sign some kind of gag order to still get paid his contract thats why he cant talk. this is from a childhood friend of barrow and shannon.

* I asked Duke if he had to do it all over again would he come to Miami..He emphatically said "no"... and neither would a lot of the players is the look he gave me, I asked why he said "Golden". and that is straight from the horses mouth.

* Reason why players wanted Heaps to start over Kayaa? Because Kayaa is a ****, Heaps earned their respect..How? I dont know.

* Players believe favortism was showed for Berrios getting more playing time over Waters, players also believe favoritism was shown that WIlliams didnt regain starting QB position "Kayaa turns into **** when the bullets fly" is what I was told. Williams wasnt given fair shot to earn starting position when he recovered.

*Seniors approached Golden to start Williams tonight and he said no. I got more but i cant even remember it all..i
your noles were lucky today. i hope GT kicks your noles asses in the acc championship game. Golden sucks and you're a TROLL
* Barrow did not get along with Donofrio, and thats what got Golden fired, they had a big fall out and I dont know if a fight happened between coaches but Barrow had to sign some kind of gag order to still get paid his contract thats why he cant talk. this is from a childhood friend of barrow and shannon.

Huh? Golden got fired? Im confused here....

right i want to know if this dude is still our coach..
Vern, why players like Walford and Perryman got so much love for Golden? Or is it just saving face?
Read any of the past "bleak visions" and tell me where ya boy has been wrong. I didnt believe the **** neither.
Vern is the man but he as well as I know this post is about 40% accurate. I understand the frustration tho!

What is inaccurate? Please tell me what you think? The only thing that is hearsay is the fact that ZGolden didnt want ICE..that might me bull**** from coaches talking but everything else is 100
* Barrow did not get along with Donofrio, and thats what got Golden fired, they had a big fall out and I dont know if a fight happened between coaches but Barrow had to sign some kind of gag order to still get paid his contract thats why he cant talk. this is from a childhood friend of barrow and shannon.

Huh? Golden got fired? Im confused here....

right i want to know if this dude is still our coach..
Pretty sure he missed typed it and meant Barrow got fired not Golden
Everyone knows that for years even while Shannon was at the tail end our WR's are **** at running routes. Out of place, off route, stopping short, etc. It has been a huge problem that is why Hankerson, Streeter, and Hurns got serious and got outside help. Don't matter if Williams, Kaaya, or Baby Jesus was back there flinging it the WR's have a sense of entitlement that is why they will back a mute noodle arm like Williams. Truth is Kaaya is miles ahead of our other QB's and players may not like him cause he won't reward sloppy play. The Waters issue is more of a staff/player issue.
Kaaya is more talented than Williams and Heap COMBINED. I'm not sure he's a *****, but whatever. Everything else, I buy it. I don't even know why, but I buy it.
AL Golden remaining as the coach is the same as us being on the death penalty.
Kaaya is more talented than Williams and Heap COMBINED. I'm not sure he's a ****, but whatever. Everything else, I buy it. I don't even know why, but I buy it.

HE maybe more talented that doesnt mean he was the best QB right now.. Sometimes players wanna go with the guy that has that dog in him.. I think this was the case.. Hey players could have been wrong Im just tellin you how it is
I believe Vern is an inner-city black that works in high school athletics. His ears very well may be glued to the streets, as this jives with what CornBreath told me over brunch.
Players telling the streets Golden don't give a **** about them.

This **** is Real.
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