Barton gone

cause he sucks or broke team rules?

He's an STA kid, so I doubt AG would just cut him for sucking. Also, if you want him gone by summer, you'd presumably let him finish spring practice. Must be a rule issue, I'd guess.
He sucks. Kid should've gone to FIU like he thought he would until Shantard gave him an offer last minute.
1st of many I'd suspect. I really hope Seantrel gets his **** together or he's about to go as well
Davon isnt going anywhere.

Those others can kick rocks with charmin soft mcgee as well.
cause he sucks or broke team rules?

He's an STA kid, so I doubt AG would just cut him for sucking. Also, if you want him gone by summer, you'd presumably let him finish spring practice. Must be a rule issue, I'd guess.

This. AG has gone to great lengths to repair relationships with local high school coaches. You don't just cut a kid after two practices unless there is more to it. STA is an important school for all college teams to remain in good standing with.
If he can't break in to the 2-deep with this roster, then yeah, he prolly wasn't going to get much play here. As a Soph, he still has plenty of cances to go somewhere else and get PT. Good luck to him wherever he goes, like I said in another thread, saw him at the gym not too long ago and he was decked out in U gear.