Barry Jackson telling us a lot we already knew

Funny how they think Mario isn’t going to be able to handle the locker room. Hey Clemson you take care of yourselves and we will too.

Mario chewed out a player in front of a packed house after he made an interception. Why? Cause the kid spun the ball and got a 15 yard penalty costing the team a chance for points.

This team has lacked discipline for 20 years. Like others have said once the recruiting gets the competition up these kids will have no choice unless they want to ride the pine.

Miami has never really lacked in talent overall. But discipline has costs this team for years. We shouldn’t be leading in penalties every year. That’s a lot of hidden yardage lost on the field

Go canes!!

We all knew Diaz was a disaster but **** it hurts to read it again. No player accountability under his regime.

So happy with the direction the program is headed.
Barry Jackson is such a moron. Still no clue what the **** he's talking about and his opinions show he shouldn't be allowed to cover this team nor this sport. Mandy wasn't concerned with kids liking him. He was just clueless with what he should be doing. Mandy doesn't KNOW the game of football nor does he know people. He's a nerd who crunches numbers and came up with a system. He's not a leader of men, as he has no traits that make him worthy of that nor command respect and he's too insecure to surround himself with coaches that command anything either. So the issue wasn't no player accountability it was the fact that there was no accountability from up top. Him and his corches weren't accountable to him as he's always surrounded himself with yes men. A secondary issue was that the team had no voice. Players weren't accountable to EACH OTHER. The most important factor in a team is leadership throughout. It starts up top and trickles down to leadership & accountability within your teammates. Fvck being worried about losing your job or kids transferring. That's the dumbest **** ever this clown speaks on.
Ah yes, Mario has a year or two before the Pixie Dust of Discipline that Manny sprinkled on every piece of gym equipment finally wears off and the inescapable thuggishness of Miami’s lost boys breaks loose.


I recall a player state for example, that Jimmy Johnson wanted to ride that edge - give them enough freedom on the field to maximize their playmaking abilities, and allowed some enthusiastic celebrating - but that all times - Jimmy Johnson controlled that fine line - and they knew better than to push across that line that Jimmy Johnson allowed - because Jimmy wasn't going to put up with any detrimental BS.

Butch Davis did the same thing - he was a player's coach - and under great pressure with limited options to rebuild UM - but Butch demanded performance and didn't put up with any detrimental BS either.

I'd say the odds of Mario putting up with any detrimental behavior BS is about the same percentage as finding a one-legged Olympic 100 meter sprinting star, or a TV Evangelist turning down money contributions.
Barry Jackson is such a moron. Still no clue what the **** he's talking about and his opinions show he shouldn't be allowed to cover this team nor this sport. Mandy wasn't concerned with kids liking him. He was just clueless with what he should be doing. Mandy doesn't KNOW the game of football nor does he know people. He's a nerd who crunches numbers and came up with a system. He's not a leader of men, as he has no traits that make him worthy of that nor command respect and he's too insecure to surround himself with coaches that command anything either. So the issue wasn't no player accountability it was the fact that there was no accountability from up top. Him and his corches weren't accountable to him as he's always surrounded himself with yes men. A secondary issue was that the team had no voice. Players weren't accountable to EACH OTHER. The most important factor in a team is leadership throughout. It starts up top and trickles down to leadership & accountability within your teammates. Fvck being worried about losing your job or kids transferring. That's the dumbest **** ever this clown speaks on.


Concur with all you've said here, and your main points about accountability and insecurity are spot on. But, I will push slightly back on three things:

1) Manny was, in fact, concerned with being liked. I have heard this from a new member of staff, who was pretty knowledgable about the old one
2) I do think he has a good knowledge of the game, BUT I agree he was a bit clueless as to what he should be doing as the HC ...... AND he was blinded by the faith in his system (which I call "D'Onofrio Disease") that kept him from seeing the forest because he was too busy staring at the **** trees
3) He always thought he was the smartest guy in the defensive room.

Points 2 and 3 are never a good combination

Concur with all you've said here, and your main points about accountability and insecurity are spot on. But, I will push slightly back on three things:

1) Manny was, in fact, concerned with being liked. I have heard this from a new member of staff, who was pretty knowledgable about the old one
2) I do think he has a good knowledge of the game, BUT I agree he was a bit clueless as to what he should be doing as the HC ...... AND he was blinded by the faith in his system (which I call "D'Onofrio Disease") that kept him from seeing the forest because he was too busy staring at the **** trees
3) He always thought he was the smartest guy in the defensive room.

Points 2 and 3 are never a good combination
Rick Neuheisel said today that penn state could be good if Manny doesn’t mess it up with all his exotic stuff. Kind of goes to points 2and3

Concur with all you've said here, and your main points about accountability and insecurity are spot on. But, I will push slightly back on three things:

1) Manny was, in fact, concerned with being liked. I have heard this from a new member of staff, who was pretty knowledgable about the old one
2) I do think he has a good knowledge of the game, BUT I agree he was a bit clueless as to what he should be doing as the HC ...... AND he was blinded by the faith in his system (which I call "D'Onofrio Disease") that kept him from seeing the forest because he was too busy staring at the **** trees
3) He always thought he was the smartest guy in the defensive room.

Points 2 and 3 are never a good combination
I can respect people's opinions but still strongly disagree all the same. Before I became disgusted with him (midway through year 1 under richt)I used to speak with Manny about nothing but football. His thing was always that he thought such and such(throughout various programs) was misused because In a system that embraces pressure at this point it makes the entirety combustible etc. Honestly it was exhausting listening to this man's foolishness when u combine it all with the lisp. It was like Elmer fudd on coke. He absolutely thinks he's the smartest man in the room but it's all based on percentages. Never based on the game in itself the how or the y. He is just a nerd that played percentages. Far as people liking him throughout the years I had been around him which I kept to a minimum these last 2 very rarely did I witness that. He would talk down to kids and **** near chastise them routinely. He would call kids out they name and half the time didn't even bother to remember one from the other. His thing is he had a small hand ful of players that were his doo boys he'd try to be friendly with because as you stated he swears he's the smartest in the room. You kill them with kindness. But he'll always show his face as long as you are open to seeing it. Just like he did with cam(who was definitely one of his doo boys initially)until he told him he's lucky richt was crazy because we would've never even offered him if Manny was in charge because his talent level says he should've been playing for fiu not p5... He said that in open practice for no real reason from the way I had it explained to me. But I gotta get this filth out of my mind. I can't keep rehashing these last few years as it's not healthy for any of us. I've moved on and I hope everyone else can as well. Too much positive going on to dwell on anything other then our present and future.
Well according to that Clemson poster Manny held people accountable unlike Mario is going to do lol

View attachment 201179
Miami under NIL investigation? .Ah,...NO!!!

This Clemson fan is full of misinformation. Miami is not and has not been under NIL investigation. The NCAA did a simple process inquiry and some of the media portrayed it as an investigation in their headlines to get clicks. However, in their actual articles, the details were of a process inquiry to understand how NIL is working.

People look at the headlines and formulate opinions without reading the details. Thus, they become misinformed.
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Well according to that Clemson poster Manny held people accountable unlike Mario is going to do lol

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Manny's discipline in the locker room really stood out on the field. Manny's teams were some of the most undisciplined I have ever seen. How many stupid penalties were there? What a joke putting Manny and discipline in the same sentence!!

I recall a player state for example, that Jimmy Johnson wanted to ride that edge - give them enough freedom on the field to maximize their playmaking abilities, and allowed some enthusiastic celebrating - but that all times - Jimmy Johnson controlled that fine line - and they knew better than to push across that line that Jimmy Johnson allowed - because Jimmy wasn't going to put up with any detrimental BS.

Butch Davis did the same thing - he was a player's coach - and under great pressure with limited options to rebuild UM - but Butch demanded performance and didn't put up with any detrimental BS either.

I'd say the odds of Mario putting up with any detrimental behavior BS is about the same percentage as finding a one-legged Olympic 100 meter sprinting star, or a TV Evangelist turning down money contributions.
QP was born May 6th 1945.

The ***** surrendered May 7th 1945. This is not a coincidence.
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I can respect people's opinions but still strongly disagree all the same. Before I became disgusted with him (midway through year 1 under richt)I used to speak with Manny about nothing but football. His thing was always that he thought such and such(throughout various programs) was misused because In a system that embraces pressure at this point it makes the entirety combustible etc. Honestly it was exhausting listening to this man's foolishness when u combine it all with the lisp. It was like Elmer fudd on coke. He absolutely thinks he's the smartest man in the room but it's all based on percentages. Never based on the game in itself the how or the y. He is just a nerd that played percentages. Far as people liking him throughout the years I had been around him which I kept to a minimum these last 2 very rarely did I witness that. He would talk down to kids and **** near chastise them routinely. He would call kids out they name and half the time didn't even bother to remember one from the other. His thing is he had a small hand ful of players that were his doo boys he'd try to be friendly with because as you stated he swears he's the smartest in the room. You kill them with kindness. But he'll always show his face as long as you are open to seeing it. Just like he did with cam(who was definitely one of his doo boys initially)until he told him he's lucky richt was crazy because we would've never even offered him if Manny was in charge because his talent level says he should've been playing for fiu not p5... He said that in open practice for no real reason from the way I had it explained to me. But I gotta get this filth out of my mind. I can't keep rehashing these last few years as it's not healthy for any of us. I've moved on and I hope everyone else can as well. Too much positive going on to dwell on anything other then our present and future.
I had debated posting it and maybe I shouldn’t have, but the positive vibes are real now and not manufactured.

How bad do you think he’s going to be at PSU?