Barry Jackson article on draft prospects....

Don't see why everybody is so upset. Yearby wasn't in a good situation but Duke is a backup. Yearby wasn't close to him and he's not gonna make it.


If Duke is a back-up in the NFL, Yearby doesn't have a place.

People keep trying to compare him to small backs ... But those small backs that make it in the NFL have SPEED. That's not Yearby's game.

The kid maxed out in high school. Elite high school player, but he was an average college back. Definitely should have stayed in school, because the NFL is not going to be his landing spot.

For all of you, "he had family issues" folks ... Declaring for the draft doesn't fix those issues. He's not promised a check.

And for the "why go back to school" crowd:

- Had he stayed in school, he would have demonstrated good decision making skills. NFL loves guys that can make good decisions. Now, they think he's a small, slow, RB, who doesn't make good decisions. Next year, they'd think he's a small. slow, RB ... With a degree, and a team-first mentality.

- Had he stayed in school, he could have put a ton of special teams footage on tape. He'll need to make a roster as a special teams player. Even if Walton doesn't get any better as a college RB, he'll make an NFL roster because he's a special teams demon.

- If he stayed in school, he could have been the primary back-up to Walton, and proven his worth as a "good roster guy". Team-first guy. And 1 injury away from being the feature back.

- Had he stayed in school, he could have finished his degree. That would be a message to his children, and put him in position to join a college coaching staff. Dallas Crawford has already started his coaching career.

Yearby may get an invite to a camp ... Agents can usually make that happen for their clients. But I doubt he gets any guaranteed money, and I doubt he will last very long in camp.

As has been mentioned, he'd need to go to a team that has an unprecedented number of injuries to the running backs on their roster to make any money in the NFL.

NFL doesn't give a **** about your decision making unless those decisions involve stabbing women in front of cameras and lots of police officers. Short of that they couldn't care less. As for "primary backup", he already did that last year and it doesn't seem to have gotten him much. I'll go with you as far as the degree goes, but it was my understanding that they let guys come back and finish the deree for free. That sounds too good to be true, so maybe it's not. Bottom line: Yearby isn't in a great spot to make a roster, but I doubt another year would have changed that.

And has it occurred to anyone that we (rightly) see the best of these guys where as scouts just see another dude? They take a harsh line because they don't care if any particular player succeeds.
Don't see why everybody is so upset. Yearby wasn't in a good situation but Duke is a backup. Yearby wasn't close to him and he's not gonna make it.


If Duke is a back-up in the NFL, Yearby doesn't have a place.

People keep trying to compare him to small backs ... But those small backs that make it in the NFL have SPEED. That's not Yearby's game.

The kid maxed out in high school. Elite high school player, but he was an average college back. Definitely should have stayed in school, because the NFL is not going to be his landing spot.

For all of you, "he had family issues" folks ... Declaring for the draft doesn't fix those issues. He's not promised a check.

And for the "why go back to school" crowd:

- Had he stayed in school, he would have demonstrated good decision making skills. NFL loves guys that can make good decisions. Now, they think he's a small, slow, RB, who doesn't make good decisions. Next year, they'd think he's a small. slow, RB ... With a degree, and a team-first mentality.

- Had he stayed in school, he could have put a ton of special teams footage on tape. He'll need to make a roster as a special teams player. Even if Walton doesn't get any better as a college RB, he'll make an NFL roster because he's a special teams demon.

- If he stayed in school, he could have been the primary back-up to Walton, and proven his worth as a "good roster guy". Team-first guy. And 1 injury away from being the feature back.

- Had he stayed in school, he could have finished his degree. That would be a message to his children, and put him in position to join a college coaching staff. Dallas Crawford has already started his coaching career.

Yearby may get an invite to a camp ... Agents can usually make that happen for their clients. But I doubt he gets any guaranteed money, and I doubt he will last very long in camp.

As has been mentioned, he'd need to go to a team that has an unprecedented number of injuries to the running backs on their roster to make any money in the NFL.

NFL doesn't give a **** about your decision making unless those decisions involve stabbing women in front of cameras and lots of police officers. Short of that they couldn't care less. As for "primary backup", he already did that last year and it doesn't seem to have gotten him much. I'll go with you as far as the degree goes, but it was my understanding that they let guys come back and finish the deree for free. That sounds too good to be true, so maybe it's not. Bottom line: Yearby isn't in a great spot to make a roster, but I doubt another year would have changed that.

And has it occurred to anyone that we (rightly) see the best of these guys where as scouts just see another dude? They take a harsh line because they don't care if any particular player succeeds.

Yeah scouts can be harsh but they're honest with what they see. They might not always be correct but they're not biased. The offense this board has taken has everything to do with being biased. So many Miami players get hyped up because we're familiar with them. Weird thing about this fan base is I've seen guys like Chocolate Gray and Yearby spoken of like Kings while guys like Duke Johnson and Kaaya have been criticized for breathing.
The scout was pretty accurate and thought Corn was the best player of the UM guys entering the draft but his size is too small. I agree with most of what he said.
Stacey Coley led the team in unsportsmanlike like penalties the last two years. If you want to call that an attitude problem fine with me. The bottom he put himself and celebrating before the team. It be one thing if he happened once or twice but he literally racked up 4 or 5 fifthteen yard penalties during his career. I remember yelling at the TV for him to "shut it down" and BOOM 15 yards penalty. He was warned and penaltizied and kept doing it. How can you say that is not an attitude problem?

They're solid. Carter is a hitter. I heard about some academic issues with Carter but I talked to him and he’s more than smart enough to play safety in the NFL. He speaks well and enunciates.

This **** drives me crazy. When is the last time a white player was described by how "well spoken" he was?

Christian McCaffrey ... but I get your point. if the scout thinks he's an intelligent player, then he should just say so and leave it at that.

Not even that. It's like the bar is set so low for blacks that whenever a kid doesn't say "uga buga" every other words, folks are like "wow, he's so well spoken. Very articulate" yadda yadda

Annoying as ****

I'm not black, but I agree that this passive aggressive racism is some BS. I don't understand why people have so much trouble with the concept that different groups speak differently. People that spoke English in the 1700s would listen to the way the people that bring up this enunciation crap speak and be just as judgemental. Different cultures talk differently, that's literally how society works and says nothing about intelligence.
Yearby has a family. He needed to get his hands on his NFL millions a year early. If you leave early you get paid. It's that simple.

Every time I think Franchise will lose a step with age, he drops one of these gems. This man is a Canes treasure.

Look, I'd love for every one of our players to get great reports and get drafted in the first two days, but we have to deal with reality. I'd have to agree with just about every scouting comment, though I'm not sure how Kaaya-style leadership is much different from Mariota-style leadership.

While the language on "well spoken" and "enunciates" could have been better, take a look at the whole comment. It sounds like he didn't have a high Wonderlic, and was better at verbal communication, which is a good sign. NFL teams have much more complex playbooks and coaches need players who can digest gameplans and articulate the roles that have been assigned to them. I'm glad that someone noticed one of our players with good communications skills, even if his "test scores" may not be the highest.

As for Yearby, I can sympathize with his situation, but there are plenty of reasons to come back, not the least of which is weight gain and speed work. And who knows, he is one Game One injury away from another 1,000 yard season. A year ago, Kaaya was going to be one of the first 2 QBs drafted, and now he is slipping to Day 3. Yes, it would be a risk for him to stay, but right now it is a near-certainty that he will not be drafted. He needs to hope that Minnesota will take a shot at re-teaming him with Dalvin Cook.

Good luck to all the Canes in the draft, but so far, we've had 1 guy taken, and there isn't going to be some sudden run on UM players anytime soon. We're gonna see a bunch of UFAs.
Passive aggressive racism is when you only have 2 white guys on your entire defensive football team and one is a third generation player. Miami just doesn't recruit them.
If Yearby enjoys playing the game at all he should have come back. Because he's not going to be playing football anymore real soon.
Is he gonna get taller in college? Everyone always throws that crap about "he should go back" and they pick the ones that fits the argument, then leave the ones that don't. The process is so weird that the longer you stay, the more warts they find. Joe's issues weren't going to change by staying another year. I'd have liked him to help with our issues with backs, but I don't get this.

At least if Yearby stayed he would have a college degree. His future is not football so why not give yourself the best chance in some other career field.
Passive aggressive racism is when you only have 2 white guys on your entire defensive football team and one is a third generation player. Miami just doesn't recruit them.

We also need more Asians on the banner!
If Yearby is about a degree, he can come back and get it. He's allowed.

Staying an extra year adds nothing to his draftability or his physical limitations. He's not getting faster by sitting on the bench for another year.

The bottom line is this: there's risk involved with either staying or leaving. Nobody can say with certainty what the best decision is.

He made his decision. It's over and done with. It's not changing. But apparently some of you cackling hens want to wag your fingers like frustrated women at someone, who for better or worse, made his decision that is now irreversible. It's over. He'll either get drafted late, or become a free agenr.

It's a Hail Mary, but who knows lightning may strike and he ends up on a team. I hope so. I understand the odds are strongly against it but then why dwell on it like over emotional women wagging their fingers and saying I told you so. How do you wait to next year, he'd be in the same exact situation, except maybe with a degree, which he can get anyway

They're solid. Carter is a hitter. I heard about some academic issues with Carter but I talked to him and he’s more than smart enough to play safety in the NFL. He speaks well and enunciates.

This **** drives me crazy. When is the last time a white player was described by how "well spoken" he was?

When was the last time a white player said "know what I'm sayin " 3 to 4 times in every sentence. Like it or not, how you speak the English language is an important factor as to how some people will perceive your intelligence level. Especially true in interviews. Did you hear some of those draftees on Neg away.
Is he gonna get taller in college? Everyone always throws that crap about "he should go back" and they pick the ones that fits the argument, then leave the ones that don't. The process is so weird that the longer you stay, the more warts they find. Joe's issues weren't going to change by staying another year. I'd have liked him to help with our issues with backs, but I don't get this.

If the guy doesn't think he'll make camp, might as well go back to school and play another year for the enjoyment of it and get your degree
I guess I'm in the minority here but Yearby can play in the NFL. His running ability is much better than a lot of the fringe NFL backs I see every year - the Antone Smith, Orleans Darkwa, Travaris Cadet, DuJuan Harris types. I bet most of the idiots crying about him declaring have never even heard of those names and think every team has 3-4 Shady McCoys or LeVeon Bells. The key for Yearby will be earning trust from the coaches in pass protection because his role will require it.
I think the scout was spot on for Coley, Kaaya, Isadora, Elder, Njoku, and AQM. He's flat out wrong about Grace. All those guys will get signed as UDFAs also.
The problem with Yearby is that he is much slower than all those guys you mentioned. Smith and Cadet are 4.4 guys. Darkwa and Harris 4.6. The scout timed Yearby at 5.08.
Good thing about this is imagine we get better players with this staff we gun be loose wit it......I wouldnt draft Yearby I love that hes a cane and all but keepin it 100