Bama is on another level when it comes to cheating at this point. Heard a story (could be true, maybe not) about a RB from North Florida that went there and was given a new car, while his mom was given a house. This guy played small time college ball and his co-worker's son played at UNC under Butch. They are somewhat connected to high school in the Jax area, so I tend to believe they know what they are talking about when they told me about the kid. The NCAA really needs to step up. when they do though, it will be of epic proportion.
That said, and mentioned many times on this board, recruits read these boards. The fans do worse to recruiting than the games many times. The recruits are smart enough to see the team is undermanned, but playing hard. They see opportunity to play early, but they are also poisoned when they come on boards like this and read page after page of how everything sucks.
I remember fans hating Larry Coker as OC when we didn't have the horses. Give him Dorsey, Johnson, Portis and a great OL and he is a genius. Yeah, I know how the rest of the story worked out, but you get my point. Even in the NFL you see great minds that cannot get an offense moving if they do not have the talent.
Me, I was a BBB guy, but Richt is now my coach and I think he deserves a chance to prove himself. Fan are doing him and the players on this team, and recruits committed a diservice by all of this constant *****ing.
Take a step back, catch your breath and realize what is going on. We are a depleated team that will get better. The front 7 on D looks great, young and hungry. Give me some D backs. D wiins championships and we are not that far away if we can get a few players and stay healthy. On the other side of the ball we need help, but we have a few OL committed. Get them, a few WR's and a top flight RB and lets see what Richt can do calling plays.
Win or lose today I love my Canes.
To any So. Fla. (State of Miami) recruits, this programs was built on players like you. Stay home, play in front of your family and friends and build this program back to the powerhouse it once was. If we can keep your talent in So Fla, we can dominate for years to come.