Auston Robertson 2016 4* DE/DT Unsigned Recruit as UM Option

I grew up in da projects and got in lots of trouble as a kid and young man. I met a coach who mentored me and went to college. I was one of a very few kids I grew up with who didn't go to prison and a coach turned me around. Richt can do the same for this young man.

Agree. Everyone is different but kids at this age are very moldable especially by a strong staff like we have.

people make mistakes, kid deserves to have a second chance. I say go hard after him
You're right Southcane. Those 2000-04 canes were anyyhing but "savages". That image of the canes has been dead for decades. I rather the team try to emulate the greatest squads of all time.
don't need a trouble maker

Need more troublemakers. Need to be savage and quit trying this holier than thou ****.

You can be a savage without being a complete fool or criminal. if you are being that stupid and undisciplined in life, it usually follows to the field and/or locker room. I'm all about second chances for minor things bc people, especially kids, make mistakes. But histories of stupidity or trends of legal issues just don't seem worth it these days.
Paranos should have a limit of one thread started a day.

His Asperger's has been out of control lately.
I grew up in da projects and got in lots of trouble as a kid and young man. I met a coach who mentored me and went to college. I was one of a very few kids I grew up with who didn't go to prison and a coach turned me around. Richt can do the same for this young man.

Agree. Everyone is different but kids at this age are very moldable especially by a strong staff like we have.

Completely agree, I was a troublemaker too based on where ibeas loving and with a change of scenery and role mmodels I changed immensely so why can't this kid?
Has one player that Paranos has ever brought up been a legit target/possibility?
don't need a trouble maker

You would have hated Miami in the 80's and 90's.

Loved them.

Not the world we are living in today.

Isn't it? You don't think all elite programs have many trouble makers?

Many or any?

Any, yes. Many, no.

Think about this for a moment. The Cane team that ran it up on the Longhorns a few moons ago would be blasted to the high heavens today.
Also, Cam Newton who hasn't been arrested, who hasn't hit a woman, hasn't been out with Johnny Football, etc. Cam is so polarizing. Yeah sure maybe even much of it is because he is black and a qb. The point is, he is nothing like the players that have done wrong legally. Okay hit me with UF laptops. Cam isn't like the 80s Canes.

You try and bring that back today, forget about it.

Plus Richt wouldn't allow all that flash.

Some kids should get a second chance, if CMR had been recruiting him for a while I might be more receptive. I just don't want this kid to be the kid that messes it up for future recruits.


I was 100% in favor of us keeping Willie Williams, and he ended up flaming out.
Paranos should have a limit of one thread started a day.

His Asperger's has been out of control lately.

Paranos is the love child that SMD and DBC had after the swine flu and bear attacks incidents.

You should be negged just for putting the image of those 2 getting together :dread: in our head!
Pic of when conception occurred

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Wow bro are your lives that worthless that you spent time looking for pictures to support these dumb *** comments. An we know you looked at a **** load of them before settling on the one above. **** you and your cronies are such said sacks I am sure a few of the pics you all reviewed gave you woodies to get your weekly circle jerk going..

Stop high jacking this thread with your bullcrap.

