Article: Hurlie Brown To Be New RB Coach

High performance organizations promote from within. They have succession plans in place and and look for opportunities to reward members of their team who are deserving of promotions.

We talk about the U as a family first organization. Familys take care of their own. Great hire AL...

I don't get the why people wouldn't want a coach that coached the position he will coach before coming to UM.

I don't get the why people shoot this theory (experience before coaching at UM) down as if it was a stupid idea.

Lock the thread because there is a GREY AREA and people don't understand it exists.

I dont think most are saying its a bad idea. I think many are saying its also not a automatic bad idea to not have had the experience, ie Soldinger. And the responses are coming to the sky is falling this is stupid crowd..


Most of are fans are illogical and irrational so stupid would follow.
Has it occurred to anyone that AG is just tired of assistants come and then move up so quickly because they don't have ties to the program or the city of Miami?
I am thinking that he got Cristobal, Coley and then Hurlie Brown with the idea that they have better chance of staying longer than their predecessors?

That's certainly a logical angle to some of the hires (Mario and now Hurlie). I don't think Coley fits with that because if Dumbo gets canned - I figure he'll head back to Trailerville as soon as he can if offered the HC gig.

But certainly that's something logical.
Has it occurred to anyone that AG is just tired of assistants come and then move up so quickly because they don't have ties to the program or the city of Miami?
I am thinking that he got Cristobal, Coley and then Hurlie Brown with the idea that they have better chance of staying longer than their predecessors?

That's certainly a logical angle to some of the hires (Mario and now Hurlie). I don't think Coley fits with that because if Dumbo gets canned - I figure he'll head back to Trailerville as soon as he can if offered the HC gig.

But certainly that's something logical.

I included Coley because he has strong ties to the City of Miami besides the fact he has not proven himself yet as an OC or a HC for that matter. He needs to prove his worthiness here first!
Now that Hurlie is the RBs coach, would hiring Lockette or Bennett for football operations be possible?
Besides him being a former Cane and a DB coach at FIU, there is literally nothing to judge this hire off of.

I'll trust Golden though.

We gotta remember that we reportedly just spent $500k on Coley. This may be a quick fix, until another time... Golden may just want to move forward with getting prepared for spring football, instead of taking a bunch of time out to interview guys from all over the place.
If Hurlie is the new RB corch, then that should absolutely unequivocally prove what I've been preaching forever--RB corch is a place for a mega-recruter, and any competent HS level corch can be a RB corch. I always LULZ'd at the Soldinger leg humpers who tried to convince everyone what a genius he is by pointing to Portis, EJ, and the likes.

I don't know anything about Hurlie as a recruiter, but Alshermond The Don must think he's awesome in that role, or he wouldn't have hired him. I wanted Telly Savalas, but maybe he'll replace Hurlie as DFO.
Besides him being a former Cane and a DB coach at FIU, there is literally nothing to judge this hire off of.

I'll trust Golden though.

We gotta remember that we reportedly just spent $500k on Coley. This may be a quick fix, until another time... Golden may just want to move forward with getting prepared for spring football, instead of taking a bunch of time out to interview guys from all over the place.

Yeah but he interviewed 4 people, some twice. He obviously felt that Brown was the best man for the job.
Terrible move Terrible Recruting Class This Program Is Moving In The Wrong Direction.

If Coker or Shannon hired Brown for this position, people would be going nuts.

1- Terrible move? Nobody knows that.....
2- Terrible recruiting class?..........unfounded, totally ignorant statement.

Add 1+2= you have an agenda.

Agenda=eating ball cheese until he explodes.
I wanted Solly...but I would roll Solly out at 97 years old in a Mobility scooter...anyone who has ever been coached by him thinks he's a God. He is the GOAT RB Coach. I don't care if he doesn't want kids on his lawn...

BUT...I'm intrigued to see what we can do with Hurlie on the recruiting trail. This is obviously a move to take this guy who is great at the front office stuff to see if he can get put out into the field and do his thang.

Intrigued to see if Telly Lockette moves into the Operations position.
Cristobal isn't a long-term hire at all. One -two years max. He will be a head coach again soon.

Coley? Wants to be a head coach and if he has success for 2 years, he'll get a head coach gig too.

thats college football.
In all sports, if you could only coach the position you played, well, I'm not sure you could ever really formulate a staff...

I think that aspect of it is really overrated

Some of the best position coaches played other positions during their days as a player
Lazy *** trolls these days. Smh.

Username canes+random #. At least make an attempt to be creative.
Cristobal isn't a long-term hire at all. One -two years max. He will be a head coach again soon.

Coley? Wants to be a head coach and if he has success for 2 years, he'll get a head coach gig too.

thats college football.
I have a feeling that Cristobal is going to stick it out until AG goes the the NFL after a championship or two and become the next HC at the U. I think this is his dream job.
Hurlie has been on the staff for two years. Al knows him, and knows what he can do. He's had two years to ascertain this. If Golden is comfortable with Hurlie coaching RB's the guy can do it whether he's played or coached the position before or not. It's not like Al' hiring him off the street, and doesn't know what he's like on the football field with the players. Ditto for Carroll coaching WR's. If AL moved him there, Carroll knows enough to coach the position. The only coach in a new position Al doesn't know very well is Coley.