Apr 10 at Pittsburgh 3pm ACCNX

My God!@! These homer umpires have not Called a 3rd strike on any Pitt hitter. Several times yesterday and now again today we get pinched in the strike zone.
I challenge overly emotional takes. There is a huge mental aspect of the game and clearly impacting a few of our pitchers. Not sure what that has to do with your take here.
Mederis has fell apatmrt in 3 consecutive games. I also said he's got something mental because he's too talented in my post today, but you respond with some assinine comment.
What's wrong with this kid? Team just got you two runs back and you hit the 1st batter in the inning. He's got some mental issues with his game.
He's a freshman, maybe Gino should ease him in by having him start mid week games.
No matter the talent not everyone can walk in to D1 and dominate.