Apparently N'kosi is tired of the scenery at UM

Definitely not into the whole "let's overanalyze everything a kid says on social media" thing, which is why I really don't follow players and NEVER speak directly to them.

But if you're being paid to go to my alma mater and want to openly and publicly bash it? Leave.

Kosi is officially dead to me and I hope he gets kicked off the team.
Definitely not into the whole "let's overanalyze everything a kid says on social media" thing, which is why I really don't follow players and NEVER speak directly to them.

But if you're being paid to go to my alma mater and want to openly and publicly bash it? Leave.

Kosi is officially dead to me and I hope he gets kicked off the team.

hes literally wasting a full ride
The kid is immature, for sure. However, there is nothing about his post that should get people riled up. At this point it's like people are hoping he does something stupid, and therefore they try to turn something that is so miniscule into a big deal.

Uhhhh, really? He wears the uniform, on TV on Saturdays, and is bashing the school openly in a public forum.

You don't see a problem with that?

Try doing that about your job and see how that goes for you.
he literally just said he's tired of campus and seeing the same people everyday. Who are those people he's seeing everyday? Probably His teammates. Pretty simple, Not a very good thing for your potential starting qb to be saying. Sorry I'd rather have a qb that enjoys spending time with his teammates on a daily basis and views them as brothers, but thats just me.
This is exactly what I was referring to in my post. He made a reference to the size of the school, and yet you managed to twist his words into him referencing his teammates. Unbelievable!

Was his post a bit weird and a bad choice overall? Probably. But you are spinning this **** like a corrupt politician.
This is exactly what I was referring to in my post. He made a reference to the size of the school, and yet you managed to twist his words into him referencing his teammates. Unbelievable!

Was his post a bit weird and a bad choice overall? Probably. But you are spinning this **** like a corrupt politician.

lol he did say hes tired of seeing the same people everyday. its not a leap to connect the people he sees everyday to his teammates considering thats who he likely sees everyday
Uhhhh, really? He wears the uniform, on TV on Saturdays, and is bashing the school openly in a public forum.

You don't see a problem with that?

Try doing that about your job and see how that goes for you.
I do not know where to even begin, as it relates to addressing your post. Therefore, I won't.
I’m taking this as Enos/Diaz are running a tight ship and cutting down on the B.S

Oh well haven’t heard a lick from Williams kid is just working... Martell seems to working and trying to win this team over when he can

Ya! Just like we didn't hear a lick from Bar Milo. That is always a great sign for success.

Tate is on social media just as often as Kosi is.
You know what, let me add a different narrative here. Kid was in a mood. Imagine that - an immature kid being in a mood. You know what else, it might be totally unrelated to football and his teammates. Could be girl problems. Who knows.

I personally don’t care. I mean if he’s checked out, he’s checked out. We’ll find out soon enough.

He’ll either compete, perform, and claim the job or a share of the job, or he won’t. That’s really all I care about. And yeah it’s a little creepy for grown *** men to follow these guys on social media and over analyze their silly posts.
You know what, let me add a different narrative here. Kid was in a mood. Imagine that - an immature kid being in a mood. You know what else, it might be totally unrelated to football and his teammates. Could be girl problems. Who knows.

I personally don’t care. I mean if he’s checked out, he’s checked out. We’ll find out soon enough.

He’ll either compete, perform, and claim the job or a share of the job, or he won’t. That’s really all I care about. And yeah it’s a little creepy for grown *** men to follow these guys on social media and over analyze their silly posts.
I can't upvote this enough! Perfectly stated, my man!
Except you did. So I'll assume you have no retort, because there isn't one.

Again, if you think it's OK to publicly disparage the institution that pays your bills while wearing the uniform, please go online and bash your job.
My god, man! Lol.

I responded to your post. I didn't address your post. Spoiler Alert: There's a difference between the two.
How many of you posting on here about him seeing the same people every day are actually alums who graduated since the school hit the ~10K undergrad mark?

  1. Yeah, you see a lot of the same people every day. Most people tend to like that. It's called having friends.
  2. IF you want to not see so many of the same people, get out of your element a little. Take some classes outside your school.

Yes, it's a relatively small school. Especially once you get into courses in your major. But I went to a large enough high school, and it wasn't anywhere near that.
You know what, let me add a different narrative here. Kid was in a mood. Imagine that - an immature kid being in a mood. You know what else, it might be totally unrelated to football and his teammates. Could be girl problems. Who knows.

I personally don’t care. I mean if he’s checked out, he’s checked out. We’ll find out soon enough.

He’ll either compete, perform, and claim the job or a share of the job, or he won’t. That’s really all I care about. And yeah it’s a little creepy for grown *** men to follow these guys on social media and over analyze their silly posts.

The first thing I thought of was girl problems. I remember being on campus and constantly seeing the same girls on campus over and over again due to our schedule. It is not like like the giant 40K+ kids at a state school were you are seeing new faces everyday. I could definitely see someone breaking up with a girl and then having to see her and her friends everyday on the way to class and thinking "**** this is just like HS seeing the same **** b1tches every single day".
You know what, let me add a different narrative here. Kid was in a mood. Imagine that - an immature kid being in a mood. You know what else, it might be totally unrelated to football and his teammates. Could be girl problems. Who knows.

I personally don’t care. I mean if he’s checked out, he’s checked out. We’ll find out soon enough.

He’ll either compete, perform, and claim the job or a share of the job, or he won’t. That’s really all I care about. And yeah it’s a little creepy for grown *** men to follow these guys on social media and over analyze their silly posts.

People keep using the word kid. Kids aren’t starting QB’s.

That’s a grown man job and somebody that realizes they are they representative for their team. If Nkosi is a kid then get Jarren/Tate ready.