But you act like that's the end of it. It's not. It's the beginning. So Miami drags its pitiful *** to "the show" only to get pummeled by a real team. Where's the payoff in that?
You’re playing games in the abstract, that’s what the SEC folks do.
Maybe we’d get pummeled, maybe not. But it would be the exception to the rule seeing as how we haven’t been pummeled even once this season. That’s just the facts. Correct? If you’re saying you’d bet against us or the line would be huge or whatever, great. You still have to play the game, and there’s zero reason to think we can’t be competitive, which means there’s a chance to win the game.
Again, I don’t hear Bama fans or media or supporters worrying they may get pummeled despite being 9-3 with losses to two .500 teams (plus another loss, that’s 25% of their games btw), one of which was a blowout where they scored 3 (and their RB masquerading as a QB was dreadful) and were owned all game and manhandled on the ground by a team who had struggled to run all year.
Same with the South Carolinas and Ole Miss of the world. All I hear from them is how they should be in, had great seasons, and could beat anyone they play. We have the number one offense in the country. Not top 25 or top 10, number fk’ing ONE. Why shouldn’t we sing the same song?
And why are you so ready to take an L before it happens? Because our defense is awful? Yes, I agree. But we lost two games by a total of nine points, so we’ve been competitive in every single game this season. Right? Stop doing what everyone else does, the committee included. That’s number one.
Number two, if you think it’s just a formality and doesn’t matter to actually make the playoffs versus being the first one out, then I don’t know what to tell you. There’s a financial incentive, and moreover, obviously a perception that goes along with being in the playoff… it matters to fans, recruits, and everyone that cares about college football. If somebody wants to argue that, then go right ahead I can’t stop you, but I think it’s silly.
Again, we can’t be a prisoner to our 1980s standards. Yes, I want perfection and we should have beaten everyone by three touchdowns, blah blah blah. But in real life, we are literally one of the 12 best teams in the country, and we are on a razors edge of being the first 12-team playoff. Be frustrated with our team all you want, I sure as **** am, but I’m not going to act like we just went 6-6 either.