Anthony Lucas 2022

I don't know what the competition is like out there in Zona, but he's a 5 star talent. Please tell him he can play anywhere he wants....

What's the latest with this kid? When is he deciding? Is ND the big competition here?
I think a Coastal title can get it done, thats an upward trajectory.

Sounds like he’s trending away from ND per their 247 site. LSU mod thinks it’ll be a Bama, TAMU, LSU and Miami battle.

Not that I dont believe you but whered you see all of this exactly?
The only reason I said that is he was very open about seeing how his top schools perform. Just my opinion. No facts to base it off of.
Obviously he doesnt wsnt to go to a bum school but from my experience with parents who migrated from another island to Miami and what it means to them education, love for the culture and comfortability will matter the most. My guess is hes heard how much Miami made both of his parents have the lives they have now for their kids and to inspire the rest of their family through school. Also once again about the Haitian community there it's real and you never know how much you love your culture until you see and feel so much of it around you. Yes we have to handle our business but Miami especially you would imagine is special in many ways to them and will be hard to deny as long as he feels the love that I imagine he'll get