#anotherAnotherOne manny post a 3rd bat signal in 3 days!!!

well this would be 4 if @Stefan was accurate saying yesterday was 3.
Or this is the 3rd and it’s finally going public

thats 3 total bat signals but @stefan said bat signal 2 was actually for player #3. So this would be player #4 if he was correct. Maybe he can clarify. @Stefan Adams

Just know there were three silents. Aside from #1, Not sure which bat signal was meant to correspond to which player. 3 total

UCF, Miami, FSU, GT and Arkansas cream of the crop
So UM, FSU, G-Tech and Arkansas aren’t big time schools?

Get the f—k out of here with this nonsense. You have to be some type of pessimistic loser to always find a negative position and then try to justify it no matter the facts. I feel for you. You probably complain about rainbows that they don’t last long enough
So how many spots do we have left?
Does this mean we start pushing out some lower ranked recruits?
I do believe we need another OL prospect.
I never once worried about anyone who decommitted, Manny got this **** all under control
I hope your right about Manny. I wanna believe but I’ll believe it when he shows me he has this **** under control. I’m more worried about losing to UNC, GT and VT with the players we have. Our players are way better than theirs already. Can’t lose to those teams or be in nail biters with ****** Pitt and CMU teams. So sick of getting kicked in the gut. I wanna believe we have turned a corner and our stock is rising but refuse to believe yet. Finishing 9-4 including a quality win against a good team in a bowl and nailing a strong 2020 recruiting class will go along ways in allowing my optimism and hope to reappear.
I hope your right about Manny. I wanna believe but I’ll believe it when he shows me he has this **** under control. I’m more worried about losing to UNC, GT and VT with the players we have. Our players are way better than theirs already. Can’t lose to those teams or be in nail biters with ****** Pitt and CMU teams. So sick of getting kicked in the gut. I wanna believe we have turned a corner and our stock is rising but refuse to believe yet. Finishing 9-4 including a quality win against a good team in a bowl and nailing a strong 2020 recruiting class will go along ways in allowing my optimism and hope to reappear.

Unless you have a qb and an oline your not going anywhere in football. Were just getting both positions solidified. Keep in mind we had a qb with zero experience, left tackle and right guard zero experience. New coordinators and low depth. Team went 7-6 last year. We will finish 9-4 with a very good recruiting class. Manny has this **** under control
No such thing as silent commits. Nothing is official until they sign. Probably had no other options

I don’t disagree, but there’s a MASSIVE difference between “I’m committing but don’t tell anyone at all” and “I’m committing but waiting til [reasonable date in the next few weeks] to announce.” Just can’t have guys like Ingraham making that date 3 months out for his mom’s birthday.

I also suspect (but obviously can’t prove) that Manny isn’t necessarily holding spots for these guys who won’t go public.