#anotherAnotherOne manny post a 3rd bat signal in 3 days!!!

Just know there were three silents. Aside from #1, Not sure which bat signal was meant to correspond to which player. 3 total
So was Worsham one of the three silents and there are two more (probably knighton and Harrell) or is there one more additional silent?

I just want everyone. Is that too much to ask?
If your reading comprehension was better than Mayweather you would understand. The discussion was about the schools that were listed being big time. THAT WAS IT. I made it clear I wasnt talking about the player if he was good or not and who else offered him. Stay in your lane...better yet just exit the the highway
He forgot, Penn State and Clemson were on this list.

But, sorry, GT and Arkansas are NOT big time programs.
But, I am pretty sure GT wants to build their network up. AKA $$$.

ReAdInG cOmPrReHeNsIoN
@cmike73 see post 146. 🤦🏿‍♂️
I'm not downplaying his talents either, but I am just saying Clem$on is a big time offer and can evaluate, but I ALSO SAID those schools besides Clem$on ain't big time. So read the ENTIRE THREAD before you think you can troll on the internet, kiddo.
@cmike73 see post 146. 🤦🏿‍♂️
I'm not downplaying his talents either, but I am just saying Clem$on is a big time offer and can evaluate, but I ALSO SAID those schools besides Clem$on ain't big time. So read the ENTIRE THREAD before you think you can troll on the internet, kiddo.
Clemson has been getting just about who they want. LMFAO at they can evaluate talent....
So when they start winning g all these games with 3 star recruits, call me.

Meanwhile back in reality, they're killing it and it has everything to do with them being the new flavor.
Clemson has been getting just about who they want. LMFAO at they can evaluate talent....
So when they start winning g all these games with 3 star recruits, call me.

Meanwhile back in reality, they're killing it and it has everything to do with them being the new flavor.
There's a new orange flavor currently in production.......
Let's put all the regurgitated lines, so you guys can kick rocks.

1. Nothing is official until they sign
2. There is no such thing as silent commits

3. Just cause they announce it doesn't mean anyrthing.
4. They are just holding spots until better offers come
5. Nobody else wanted him, so they settled for us
6. Us recruiting vets know not to get excited
7. Wait until the bags get dropped off
8. They weren't a take elsewhere

I'm pretty sure I am missing some.

The bold does not need to be repeated 2 million times.
I think this pretty much covers them all.