Andrew chatfield offered by UF

I like everyone in this triumvirate so it pains me to watch this spat unfold. [MENTION=1967]Plzwork4[/MENTION] is a solid dude. [MENTION=2193]IndayArtHauz[/MENTION] is my new favorite mod and troll killer.

That said, I can understand hurt feelings but if anyone thinks this board would be better off without [MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] being free to be a dîck, you're crazy. The dude's the best value for your CIS entertainment dollar this side of Gator Tears. He's the CIS heel like Bobby Heenan or Rick Flair in wrestling. Just go with it.

Hear Hear.

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Are you a rat? I just got an infraction from some bytch for responding to your pvssy ***.

I'm grateful that you can't give birth from getting fcked in your *** because your the type of cumstain who would raise shytheads who try to troll fans of the team to which he is allegedly committed.

Even if you could manage to give birth through your distended bootyhole your genetics are so inferior you'd never produce an athlete. So I'm grateful for that too.

Now go cry to whichever bytch *** mod you cried to so you can get me another infraction.

He didn't cry to anyone. I just stopped and read your posts for once. Quit derailing threads with *********ory aggression and insult word salad.

Preciate it...but I did report the 2nd one just now. I don't report posts, but he asks for it.

Now back to more crying over Nesta putting on a Gator shirt please.

Another rat bytch. Hang yourself, rat. You and your fellow Wounded Warrior Dingy can continue to commiserate. D$ would strip that bytch of his fake cop duties before he'd let him band the Living Legend.

Running to D$ at the first sign of trouble. Classic Legend!

Lol @ mods on a power trip . Im sure he's trembling on the keyboard as I type . This board iwas going great prior to let's every one get alone board .Did some one let David lake take over this board ?
Are you a rat? I just got an infraction from some bytch for responding to your pvssy ***.

I'm grateful that you can't give birth from getting fcked in your *** because your the type of cumstain who would raise shytheads who try to troll fans of the team to which he is allegedly committed.

Even if you could manage to give birth through your distended bootyhole your genetics are so inferior you'd never produce an athlete. So I'm grateful for that too.

Now go cry to whichever bytch *** mod you cried to so you can get me another infraction.

He didn't cry to anyone. I just stopped and read your posts for once. Quit derailing threads with *********ory aggression and insult word salad.

Preciate it...but I did report the 2nd one just now. I don't report posts, but he asks for it.

Now back to more crying over Nesta putting on a Gator shirt please.

Another rat bytch. Hang yourself, rat. You and your fellow Wounded Warrior Dingy can continue to commiserate. D$ would strip that bytch of his fake cop duties before he'd let him band the Living Legend.

Running to D$ at the first sign of trouble. Classic Legend!

That's great, but it isn't true.
Hahahaha. Look at Dingy making up lies about the Legend contacting D$. Look at that bearded hipster weasel attempting to tarnish the Legend's sterling reputation by resorting to lies. DingyFartMouth got so dialed up in his emo feelings he's making up stories.

You should resign from your mod post, Dingy. You can't be fair when you resort to making up lies about a poster to advance your sad agenda.

Dingy is still carrying a grudge from long ago. So he's going to try to power trip the Legend for responding to some other lame Wounded Warrior called PlzPayAttentionToMe, who can't post without mentioning me.

I'll tell you again, Dingy, so you can go back to your barista gig with your bearded chin held high. You can still be the witty barista with the quick, yet thoughtful, quip.

In order to finally put your feelings for me aside, you must first be open to some teaching from your nemesis The Legend. What makes the two smart dudes Pete and D$ tick? Do you think they provide us with this free board because they want to see a few dull guys bore the **** out of each other and anyone else bored enough to click on their posts? They want traffic.

Pay close attention to what D$ and Pete love. They love South Florida playmakers. And the Legend is the original South Florida playmaker. I drive traffic. I'm the straw that stirs the drink. I'm ratings. I'm clicks. I'm a show dog.

These two titans Pete and D$ want the best product on the internet, and that's impossible to have without the Legend. You can have a nice little product without the Legend. But you can't be the best without him, and these dudes want to be nothing but the best. On the other hand, it's easy to have without bit players like DingyFartMouth and PlzPayAttentionToMe. Impossible without the Legend. The quicker you come to grips with that the quicker you can put aside your animus. Acceptance will ease your pain, dear friend.
Like I said, if you think this board is better off without [MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] doing his thing, you're nuts.
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IMG_1255.webp. The Legend just fcked you up
Been with The legend through 3-4 sites over many years....You either love him or hate him but he is what he is and he does what he does.

One thing I've learned over the years is YOU DO NOT POKE HIM.....not a smart thing to do cause I can assure you after all these years I can tell you ,you will not win.
Hahahaha. Look at Dingy making up lies about the Legend contacting D$. Look at that bearded hipster weasel attempting to tarnish the Legend's sterling reputation by resorting to lies. DingyFartMouth got so dialed up in his emo feelings he's making up stories.

You should resign from your mod post, Dingy. You can't be fair when you resort to making up lies about a poster to advance your sad agenda.

Dingy is still carrying a grudge from long ago. So he's going to try to power trip the Legend for responding to some other lame Wounded Warrior called PlzPayAttentionToMe, who can't post without mentioning me.

I'll tell you again, Dingy, so you can go back to your barista gig with your bearded chin held high. You can still be the witty barista with the quick, yet thoughtful, quip.

In order to finally put your feelings for me aside, you must first be open to some teaching from your nemesis The Legend. What makes the two smart dudes Pete and D$ tick? Do you think they provide us with this free board because they want to see a few dull guys bore the **** out of each other and anyone else bored enough to click on their posts? They want traffic.

Pay close attention to what D$ and Pete love. They love South Florida playmakers. And the Legend is the original South Florida playmaker. I drive traffic. I'm the straw that stirs the drink. I'm ratings. I'm clicks. I'm a show dog.

These two titans Pete and D$ want the best product on the internet, and that's impossible to have without the Legend. You can have a nice little product without the Legend. But you can't be the best without him, and these dudes want to be nothing but the best. On the other hand, it's easy to have without bit players like DingyFartMouth and PlzPayAttentionToMe. Impossible without the Legend. The quicker you come to grips with that the quicker you can put aside your animus. Acceptance will ease your pain, dear friend.

Finally you give me some respect.

You invoked D$'s name in a post, friend. There's nothing to lie about when it's in black and white. And once again you've mentioned him. The moment some peon shows they aren't here for The Legend, The Straw, The Show Dog, well you grab D -- and now Pete -- and make sure that peon knows just how significant you are.

But you know what, friend, maybe I've missed something in my dingy, emo-riddled state. Maybe the aroma of a dark roast pour over has clouded my reading comprehension. It's actually a true sign of strength to be able to reach out to the men who've helped you along the way. I didn't recognize how powerful that is until now, but you're right it's an educational moment. I can relax and soak in your radiant humility that shows up in how quickly and repeatedly you make sure everyone knows the nearness of your relationship to the owners of this site. The fart breath has been taken from my lungs by the beauty of what you've shared with us all.

If you think I should no longer be a threat to you, have D revoke my mod privledges. I don't have the courage to do it myself. It'll be the ultimate sign of your benevolence and strength to let me return to the unwashed peons at your feet after I unjustly gave you one infraction for suggesting someone was trying to procreate by anal *** and was as worthless as a stain of *****. I was clearly out of line and can no longer be trusted in this role.

Cream or sugar?
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Like I said, if you think this board is better off without [MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] doing his thing, you're nuts.

This dude knows. You can have a decent little product without The Legend. But you'll never be the best without him. D$ and Pete are winners. They want to be the best.

Just follow the history. Every board The Legend has left has immediately tanked shortly thereafter. Every board he goes to has an immediate spike. It's science, friends.
Like I said, if you think this board is better off without [MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] doing his thing, you're nuts.

This dude knows. You can have a decent little product without The Legend. But you'll never be the best without him. D$ and Pete are winners. They want to be the best.

Just follow the history. Every board The Legend has left has immediately tanked shortly thereafter. Every board he goes to has an immediate spike. It's science, friends.

You just ran to D$ and Pete again.
You invoked D$'s name in a post, friend.

So, if I invoke someone's name in a post, I'm running to him/her? Seems legit.

All DingyFartBlouse has to do is ask D$. Pretty simple for that lying weasel Dingy. Just ask D$ if I ever ran to him or even addressed him about this issue. Instead, he continues to lie in order to make himself look less like a weasel to the men of CIS.

All I did was report facts to Dingy. Fact is D$ is an evil genius. He wants to win, and he knows The Legend is his partner in winning. D$ would strip Dingy of his mod duties and spit in his bearded hipster face before he'd band The Legend. Fact. I never even used the @ feature to draw D$'s attention to Dingy's malfeasance.

Sadly, Dingy has carried a grudge since I originally dubbed him DingyFartHouse from some beef he started with me long ago. He has never been able to get past it. Unfortunately, he decided to abuse his weak cop powers by singling The Legend out when all The Legend did was respond to some hom0sexual male PlzPayAttentionToMeDaddyFranchise, who follows him around the board looking to start **** with him all the time.

Erroneously, Dingy sees himself as The Legend's superior because the customers at The Mean Bean in Tookaloo love the witty quips he scrawls on their to-go cups. For instance, if a girl named Anita orders a triple shot, double caf Americano with a light froth, he writes on the cup "Anita little extra caffeine to get started today." Not only that, but he can draw a beautiful heart with the foam on the espresso, and that makes him wonder why people pay more attention to the crass and crude Legend than they do to him. It eats at him.

I hope he can get over these feelings he has for me. That's all I want.
Like I said, if you think this board is better off without [MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] doing his thing, you're nuts.

This dude knows. You can have a decent little product without The Legend. But you'll never be the best without him. D$ and Pete are winners. They want to be the best.

Just follow the history. Every board The Legend has left has immediately tanked shortly thereafter. Every board he goes to has an immediate spike. It's science, friends.

You just ran to D$ and Pete again.

Erroneously, Dingy sees himself as The Legend's superior because the customers at The Mean Bean in Tookaloo love the witty quips he scrawls on their to-go cups. For instance, if a girl named Anita orders a triple shot, double caf Americano with a light froth, he writes on the cup "Anita little extra caffeine to get started today." Not only that, but he can draw a beautiful heart with the foam on the espresso, and that makes him wonder why people pay more attention to the crass and crude Legend than they do to him. It eats at him.

This was perfect.
Soooo....this Chatfield cat, he's garbage? No need to offer him just to keep Nesta around. Especially with Campbell leaning further this way, right?
Soooo....this Chatfield cat, he's garbage? No need to offer him just to keep Nesta around. Especially with Campbell leaning further this way, right?

I doubt they are a package deal but chatfield and silvera are close