Hahahaha. Look at Dingy making up lies about the Legend contacting D$. Look at that bearded hipster weasel attempting to tarnish the Legend's sterling reputation by resorting to lies. DingyFartMouth got so dialed up in his emo feelings he's making up stories.
You should resign from your mod post, Dingy. You can't be fair when you resort to making up lies about a poster to advance your sad agenda.
Dingy is still carrying a grudge from long ago. So he's going to try to power trip the Legend for responding to some other lame Wounded Warrior called PlzPayAttentionToMe, who can't post without mentioning me.
I'll tell you again, Dingy, so you can go back to your barista gig with your bearded chin held high. You can still be the witty barista with the quick, yet thoughtful, quip.
In order to finally put your feelings for me aside, you must first be open to some teaching from your nemesis The Legend. What makes the two smart dudes Pete and D$ tick? Do you think they provide us with this free board because they want to see a few dull guys bore the **** out of each other and anyone else bored enough to click on their posts? They want traffic.
Pay close attention to what D$ and Pete love. They love South Florida playmakers. And the Legend is the original South Florida playmaker. I drive traffic. I'm the straw that stirs the drink. I'm ratings. I'm clicks. I'm a show dog.
These two titans Pete and D$ want the best product on the internet, and that's impossible to have without the Legend. You can have a nice little product without the Legend. But you can't be the best without him, and these dudes want to be nothing but the best. On the other hand, it's easy to have without bit players like DingyFartMouth and PlzPayAttentionToMe. Impossible without the Legend. The quicker you come to grips with that the quicker you can put aside your animus. Acceptance will ease your pain, dear friend.