Analyzing the backup QB battle

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I follow his show. I have to say he keeps it 100% real. He doesn't have a favorite and just calls it as he sees it. His channel sponsors NIL for some of the players. I would think some of those players are feeding him information and their opinions.

So, what he's saying is at least what some of the players believe. It's a problem if some of your players don't believe the coaches are dealing fairly.
He goes to every practice.
You have multiple media outlets attending practices. You have 1 or 2 media saying one thing and another 1 or 2 are saying the exact opposite.

Is it case where they all look at the ground where some see a 6 and others see a 9? I don't think so.

I think the fanbase needs to understand that there are certain media outlets that make their living placating to the program which gives them more access than others. They carry the narratives and water the program wants.

There's been multiple situations this Spring where the performance of certain players have been in question not just at QB. For example, one of the transfer's performance was in question. There have been opposing takes on that player's performance by people who have attended the practices. How do you get one side saying a performance has been terrible and another say absolutely nothing when questioned about it?

The same has happened to the QB position. One faction of the media is telling us player X has performerd better than player Y and another faction has said player Y has performed better than player X and it hasn't even been close. They've all attended practices and have seen the same thing. Who do you believe?
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Almost all practices. He said he missed a couple. I just find it profound that there are narratives put out about certain players and then there are people like Flo saying that's not what he's seen. He's not the only one.
I’m not sure what the conjecture is all about? The numbers indicate we need to likely ask 1 of the guys to portal for their best future and for the teams numbers.

Both are fighting for the #2/3 spot and a chance to compete for starting 2025. Emory can redshirt this next year and Jacurri can not. Why would Jacurri would want to stay? If there is another way he can get on the field as a football player I’m all for it.
I’m not sure what the conjecture is all about? The numbers indicate we need to likely ask 1 of the guys to portal for their best future and for the teams numbers.

Both are fighting for the #2/3 spot and a chance to compete for starting 2025. Emory can redshirt this next year and Jacurri can not. Why would Jacurri would want to stay? If there is another way he can get on the field as a football player I’m all for it.
You're statement of transferring is a completely different subject I didn't even mention.

The conjecture is about performance and ability. People take opinions a run with it as fact. The classic is the athletic QB that can run but can't throw. People take little nuggets and build a case for or against a player without seeing their practices or development.

I'm a Cane fan first. I want all the young men to succeed. I don't care who wins the position battles.

I just find it profound that other media have very different takes on the QB battle despite what is being said publicly by the coaches and some of the media who regurgitate the coaches words. Make no mistake, it's going to play out the way Mario is is telling us.

Mario is literally telling us Emory and Reese are the QB2 battle. What's profound is that other media who attend practices say JB's performances have been just slightly behind Reese and Emory is a clear 4th. However, we get a very different take from our head coach. There's absolutely no reason for him to be making public statements about the QB2 battle 1 week before the Spring game unless he wants a certain narrative out there. He's softening up the JB fanbase that he will be the QB transferring. I expect vary few reps for QB4 and QB5 in the Spring game. There will only be a 2-man race for QB2. The other guys simply won't get the reps even if they could outperform the other two.

I think it's ugly, but the reality is Mario is running the program like an NFL team. It's like a new NFL coach who gets hired to a losing team. He's going to replace the young talent on the roster that he didn't draft with the guys he drafted.
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You're statement of transferring is a completely different subject I didn't even mention.

The conjecture is about performance and ability. People take opinions a run with it as fact. The classic is the athletic QB that can run but can't throw. People take little nuggets and build a case for or against a player without seeing their practices or development.

I'm a Cane fan first. I want all the young men to succeed. I don't care who wins the position battles.

I just find it profound that other media have very different takes on the QB battle despite what is being said publicly by the coaches and some of the media who regurgitate the coaches words. Make no mistake, it's going to play out the way Mario is is telling us.

Mario is literally telling us Emory and Reese are the QB2 battle. What's profound is that other media who attend practices say JB's performances have been just slightly behind Reese and Emory is a clear 4th. However, we get a very different take from our head coach. There's absolutely no reason for him to be making public statements about the QB2 battle 1 week before the Spring game unless he wants a certain narrative out there. He's softening up the JB fanbase that he will be the QB transferring. I expect vary few reps for QB4 and QB5 in the Spring game. There will only be a 2-man race for QB2. The other guys simply won't get the reps even if they could outperform the other two.

I think it's ugly, but the reality is Mario is running the program like an NFL team. It's like a new NFL coach who gets hired to a losing team. He's going to replace the young talent on the roster that he didn't draft with the guys he drafted.
We’ve all stated that the elite programs need to/or have been running the program as close to the NFL as they can now with NIL to compete.

How were the QBs brought up? Context could be everything and we are making much ado about nothing….

With that being said. If Emory/JB are close you go with Emory and you try to graciously find JB a spot on another team. Emory is younger/has a better grasp of the offense/can redshirt next year.
In todays episode from Flo he threw out some bold accusations.

He says that the media and coaching staff are basically doing some fishy stuff for Emory. He says that people who have been at practices say JB is the clear #3 QB but the staff keeps pushing an Emory narrative and that in practice emory has looked shaky and a lot worse than Jacurri.

He also slipped up and said "players have been saying" and said that he made a mistake and meant "people have been saying".

Some pretty bold accusations and if his slip up is correct than seems like the players are not very happy. He thinks its clear that this is the staff trying to push Jacurri to the portal by not giving him a fair shot

Both need development, but coaches likely trust EW more than JB.

Here's another way to look at it...

I believe EW is a game manager and will play better when surrounded with better talent (which we'll have moving forward), but I'm not sure improving the talent-level matters as much with JB's development.
You have multiple media outlets attending practices. You have 1 or 2 media saying one thing and another 1 or 2 are saying the exact opposite.

Is it case where they all look at the ground where some see a 6 and others see a 9? I don't think so.

I think the fanbase needs to understand that there are certain media outlets that make their living placating to the program which gives them more access than others. They carry the narratives and water the program wants.

There's been multiple situations this Spring where the performance of certain players have been in question not just at QB. For example, one of the transfer's performance was in question. There have been opposing takes on that player's performance by people who have attended the practices. How do you get one side saying a performance has been terrible and another say absolutely nothing when questioned about it?

The same has happened to the QB position. One faction of the media is telling us player X has performerd better than player Y and another faction has said player Y has performed better than player X and it hasn't even been close. They've all attended practices and have seen the same thing. Who do you believe?
He;s also been consistent on saying he doesn't see it with Carpenter (center)
You have multiple media outlets attending practices. You have 1 or 2 media saying one thing and another 1 or 2 are saying the exact opposite.

Is it case where they all look at the ground where some see a 6 and others see a 9? I don't think so.

I think the fanbase needs to understand that there are certain media outlets that make their living placating to the program which gives them more access than others. They carry the narratives and water the program wants.

There's been multiple situations this Spring where the performance of certain players have been in question not just at QB. For example, one of the transfer's performance was in question. There have been opposing takes on that player's performance by people who have attended the practices. How do you get one side saying a performance has been terrible and another say absolutely nothing when questioned about it?

The same has happened to the QB position. One faction of the media is telling us player X has performerd better than player Y and another faction has said player Y has performed better than player X and it hasn't even been close. They've all attended practices and have seen the same thing. Who do you believe?
This post is false on multiple levels and needs to be addressed.

First, there are not multiple media outlets consistently attending practice. In this thread, however, you have multiple fans who have attended practice telling everyone the same thing.

What they are saying is consistent with reality. Jacurri has played almost exclusively with the threes and has not, to this point, performed like the #2 QB.

Some of that is out of his control (his reps are with worse players and the offense isn’t tailored to his skill set). I am a Jacurri fan and think he can be successful. But that’s just reality. For example, in yesterday’s extended team period, he struggled to complete passes, did not lead a TD drive and threw a pick-6 to Pulliam.

My opinion, which is an amateur opinion but humbly based on the most access in the media, is that Poff is a clear #2 with Emory next and then Jacurri. That’s not a “coach’s narrative” because plenty of coaches love Emory. Coaches on every staff have different opinion on players. I’ll let everyone come to their own conclusions when they see the spring game.
I've always been a Jacurri fan. IMO, his challenge now is that he is playing in an offense that's not built around him. He's the only true runner in the room and it's an Air Raid, so there aren't a lot of designed runs.

I think the reason people get so excited about Jacurri sometimes, myself included, is the fact that when you look at him you see an absolute freak of nature and a physical specimen. Then you watch him throw and it’s like someone took a big bucket of water and throws it on you bringing you back down to earth. If “looking the part” we’re all that mattered then Teblow and Cam Newton would have gone down as two of the greatest in NFL history. I think most of us can agree that Brown’s throwing ability has definitely improved over the last year or so, but he still has a long ways to go.
True freshman comes in and starts against two teams who have not just beaten us for years but have BEATEN us.

He beat Clemson with mistake free football and a sound defense. He can't have nerves, could he? At the end of the day, 115 rating as a result. True freshman who did not have much time to get ready but was solid enough to beat a team who again, has owned us.

On the ROAD at FSU, and another team who has owned us lately. True freshman starts, not very accurate along with some catchable balls that were dropped. Again, there has to be nerves. Played his heart out and things could have been different if he didn't get hurt laying out like he did. Anyone that played knows the momentum was shifting on that drive already. Again, very respectable rating of 127. And that's not even counting the bs calls with the no safety call, etc.

Anyone here that would have pulled him in either game?

He should have been allowed to start the previous 2 vs Virginia and NC State for more experience and comfort in the system. There is no practice he could have had that compares to starting as a true freshman against either Clem/ FSU. He deserved it after Clemson.

He was our best qb last season, with very little preparation compared to the norm. The coaches and ones in the know here have stated numerous times how good he has looked in practice when given snaps. He did what he had to do and beat Clemson and was on his way to possibly beating the scuminoles.

He is no longer a rook and there are no excuses. It was more than the coaches who thought he was looking good last season in limited practices. Glad to see him back but obviously love that we got Ward also. I expect big things this year. Still a firm believer that if GT game ends as it should have, season is different (even though another very questionable call). You can't lose games ever when the win should have been a bygone conclusion. How many 'take a knees' have there been that resulted in what we did? Will not even get into the D after that.
Boi did i need this laugh
For some reason, Emory has a very low crouching stance. It impedes his quickness... hope someone can help him correct it..
Cam Ward or bust!

And the fascination with Jacurri
He’s a HS QB still trying to improve his accuracy and mechanics. He’s best at Georgia State..
100% It blows my mind how bad some posters on here want JB to be pushed into the backup role even if he's not better than the others. I have ZERO and I mean ZERO inside info but there is a poster(not on this board) who goes to every practice and he said JB had one of his worst days of the spring yesterday. 🤷‍♂️
Cristobal has a history of not understanding QB position anyone with eyes and a brain knows Jacurri is the better QB period. Emory has no arm, he isn’t mobile. This is football 2023 you need a mobile QB. Jacurri has the big arm and is mobile and with a running game behind this line we would be unstoppable. Think Tebow. D$ I respect you to much, but stop spinning this bag of crap. Look how Lashlee changed our offense for King and TVD. It is the OC job to build the offense around the players not the opposite. So please don’t give us the system crap too. I know you are reporting but we need to have analysis not cheerleaders. 20 years of carrying the coaches spin is why we are in this position today.

Ahh the familiar smell of CIS