Well, I’m now going to be a pessimistic pessimist. This will be looked at as the missed opportunity that spelled the end for Cristobal.
Ward covered up massive deficiencies caused by bad evals and recruiting. We needed an all-world talent to win 10 games with an easy schedule. Next season is brutal. We still have the glaring holes all over the roster. Will be a challenge to win 7 games. Recruiting already looking shaky even after a 10 win season, will be horrific after a 7 win season. And the fan base will have lost patience.
Fans ask- wouldn’t it be worth overpaying a little to save your coaching career? But there is a Dunning-Kruger effect with Cristobal. He thinks he is a good enough coach that he can win a championship with Williams or Mendoza. We know he isn’t but we don’t make the decisions.
Oh well. I thought it would be hard to stop caring about the Miami Dolphins, now it’s two teams. I’ll live.