All in on Mario is the "Miami" thing to do and therefore completely wrong

The fact that Mario has Miami ties makes me say that he should be fully and unconditionally disqualified from the running of next Miami HC.

A lot can be said about Cristobal’s game day experience. But he’s without a doubt one of the best recruiters in the country. He’s won the National Recruiter of the Year award like three times. Saban himself said he was one of the best recruiters he’s ever seen. At Oregon his classes have been ranked in the top ten through his tenure. He’s not just beating out Pac 12 competition.
He's beating out Pac 12 competition for the bulk of his classes. They're the only big time destination who has their stuff together for kids who want to stay out west. Mario was a great recruiter with the Bama brand behind him? Guess who won the award last year? A Bama coach. Remember Coach Kul who couldn't recruit when he was here or at Missouri? Was just fine at Alabama. It recruits itself.

Expecting Mario's success recruiting out there to translate to Miami is crazy. And it is probably exactly what our dopey decision makers do think.
I don’t disagree.

I’m just pointing out that UGA/Bama style of recruiting would only happen if Miami decided to start spending $3.5+million a year in recruiting budget, we barely pay that for our HC lol
Yes, but a competent staff can recruit to consistently win the division. Win the division and can win the conference.

We have passed on A LOT of kids who wanted to play at Miami but were very good at P5 not named Bama, LSU, Georgia or Clemson.
I’ll argue that if manny fing Diaz can get guys like Taylor both Williams kam garcia just for having a U polo on that’s exactly why you go get Mario access to talent raises his profile and by extension ours
As long as the goal is to better than 5-5 Manny Diaz then by all means go all in on Mario.
Heard this type of crap before. OP couldn’t be more dead on. Myopic searches rarely work out.
While I think you are correct, I think we will be hard pressed to find someone else that has their team close to another playoff and has his recruiting abilities and ties to the school. This isn’t hiring manny from Temple in a rush. But a real search as you suggest wouldn’t be a bad thing either. Not a Blake search
We will be lucky if Cristobol even takes a call. Y’all are ******* high. A coach with (likely) 3 conference championships, recruits top 10 classes, and a chance at a playoff working at a P5 school with huge spending capacity doesn’t leave for 6-6 ACC teams that have a stronger DEI program than sports program. Idk what planet you people live on
I agree this is the objective viewpoint and MAY BE what Mario is thinking. But like I’ve said before, Mario’s Miami pedigree both culturally and football wise coupled with his Alpha mentality may be the turning point here. Nothing like feeling like you can be “the guy“ to finally do it at your Alma Mater in your hometown. He knows he’d be enshrined as a god here forever.
Also would love for UM to do is ask themselves.....what did all these losing failed hires have in common? If there was one thing that they all did the same and failed was not recruiting premiere elite athletes. That's the one thing u can say all of them had in common especially based off the NFL production. The one guy who looks like a premiere guy is Greg.....and he was a phenom here u didn't have to coach. Those are the guys we need to bring in by the boat load.
Greg was a project..he wasn’t no 5 star. Nobody but the staff saw that potential..overallThe talent just isn’t there. Too many recruiting “misses”..Idk if the Orange and green blinds some of us to that fact. There’s a reason we are so excited about 56 0 15 and few other’s because you can see that they are different athletes and can play. They were all identified early in HS and was in the top of the board..and we signed them. Key is doing that annually. And that’s what’s been missing..we as a fanbase have been wrong since Golden. The schemes have changed. The athletes are in space on offense..the defense is stupid simple. Results are the same. The talent level has remained the win with players. We haven’t gotten enough of them. Until that changes we will be consistent at being mediocre
Do any of them have ties to the southeast? Let alone Florida?
Valid point. I don't think so.
I was thinking more along the lines of who can come in and build a better program (Napier/Campbell) or give an Xs and Os advantage (Herman/Freeze), both also dealt with recruiting at a high level. We will continue to be #5 on the Florida recruits pecking order unless we start to stack 9-10 wins seasons and ACCCG appearances,
Most of this isn't remotely accurate. He isn't Saban. No one is. He wouldn't dominate Florida recruiting because Miami never will. He's built a top ten program off the backs of a down Washington, USC and UCLA. There is no competition out there. He's not recruiting against Jimmy Lake in Miami. He's swings down at the rest of that conference when it comes to budget, recruiting, and support.

New found commitment at Miami or not he'll be swinging up against all the SEC and Ohio State and really the entire country who like to poach when it comes to recruiting, budget and support. Expecting a duplication isn't realistic. Mario wants to overwhelm with talent. We've been hearing about that formula since Butch. "Keep the local guys home". You're never gonna do it. Those days are over. You'll get your share but never dominate. How about find someone so good at actually coaching that he wins and competes in big games with less until the talent catches up? They would all feed into each other.

ALL WHO PINE FOR MARIO always forget what you typed. I post every time his *** is mentioned.

He can recruit ...he can recruit....blah blah. Thats the ONLY thing he can do. (hes not a great coach or an x's an o guy)....But his one strength is NEGATED when he has to do it from WITHIN. S.FLA recruiting is a cess pool...HE ISNT LOCKING DOWN SOUTH FLORIDA!. wE NEVER DO AND NEVER HAVE EVEN WITH BUTCH.

I dont want to relive the glory...or have some coach that can be apuppet for our old alumni stuck in the past.

Just bring me an innovative guy that can coach and develop... With the WINS..the recruits will come so just pining for a recruiter does NOTHING for me.

Mario is like 5th or below on my list of coaches i want....we have ppl in here acting like he is some coaching god...and he is winning with a talent advantage in a worse conference than the acc...with two of their powers severely down and none of the real ffootball powers int he south as a factor in recruiting. I mean for gods sakes he is starting Boston College's back up qb right now STILL with all that. lol
At this point, I believe we are two coaches away. The hiring of Manny was a step back. The top coaches are not coming here until they see commitment to the program with their predecessor.

Let the next guy be someone who can establish culture and actually cook with the ingredients he’s got. Build a respectable program again, and not only will you get the big name coach, you will get the recruits.
Greg was a project..he wasn’t no 5 star. Nobody but the staff saw that potential..overallThe talent just isn’t there. Too many recruiting “misses”..Idk if the Orange and green blinds some of us to that fact. There’s a reason we are so excited about 56 0 15 and few other’s because you can see that they are different athletes and can play. They were all identified early in HS and was in the top of the board..and we signed them. Key is doing that annually. And that’s what’s been missing..we as a fanbase have been wrong since Golden. The schemes have changed. The athletes are in space on offense..the defense is stupid simple. Results are the same. The talent level has remained the win with players. We haven’t gotten enough of them. Until that changes we will be consistent at being mediocre
I saw Greg and thought beast a few of us did thought the services got that wrong.
This is what I'm saying. Mario's formula would be to bring that power spread offense down here and when it didn't work initially because the OL wasn't built for it he'd try to fix it in recruiting. The thing is the OL he has access to in Utah, Arizona and Washington aren't coming to Miami. We know this. So he'll be competing against the entire SEC and Clemson and Ohio State for the type of guys he wants. Good luck winning those battles.

Is he adaptable? Would he go air raid because it fits our talent better or would he be stubborn and take 2-3 years at a minimum to fix the OL and getting it to look the way he wants. Meanwhile we're dropping games which won't help recruiting.

**** be stubborn ...he is a meat head OL COACH. I know because im one as well lol.

His offense would be Dan Enos like here for awhile and our fans wouldnt give him the time to fix it.

We'd also be signing qbs from Hialeah American that shouldve went to Middle Tennessee State.

The only thing would be different is the culture of this softness would change with him and his access to better assistants on a coaching tree...though Manny couldve had the same had he not just went with friends from early on.

Im ho hum about Mario..If he comes whatever...but its the same exact feeling i hd when we brought back Manny as HC.

Im a s.fla homer all the way...and want to see guys do well..but i know what i see with my eyes. His teams plays down to every **** body and they scrape wins because they are playing against g5 level talent in most games. As bad as you may think the acc is overall....there is higher quality talent week to week in it. Would he be able to outcoach that?.
and what the **** difference does that make ? how about we want a coach who is left-handed ? is that a "plus" too ? SMH !
Miami fans are crazy for even wanting him so bad. Becauze he is Cuban? I don't even think Cubans play football so that doesn't help much at all. He Recruits well at Oregon. Might not Recruit as well here because every major program is recruiting our backyard. His GameDay coaching isn't great and Oregon is a boring team to watch. He was a OLine guy. He hates offense but loves running that ball. Miami doesn't have the guys on OLINE to run the ball successfully. We gotta stop with the Miami guy bull**** and just get the best. coach we can and I think Mario should be 3rd best option AT BEST
**** be stubborn ...he is a meat head OL COACH. I know because im one as well lol.

His offense would be Dan Enos like here for awhile and our fans wouldnt give him the time to fix it.

We'd also be signing qbs from Hialeah American that shouldve went to Middle Tennessee State.

The only thing would be different is the culture of this softness would change with him and his access to better assistants on a coaching tree...though Manny couldve had the same had he not just went with friends from early on.

Im ho hum about Mario..If he comes whatever...but its the same exact feeling i hd when we brought back Manny as HC.

Im a s.fla homer all the way...and want to see guys do well..but i know what i see with my eyes. His teams plays down to every **** body and they scrape wins because they are playing against g5 level talent in most games. As bad as you may think the acc is overall....there is higher quality talent week to week in it. Would he be able to outcoach that?.
Lack of talent and maybe coaching too. Is there another coach in that conference who could get another power 5 job besides Kyle Whittingham? Maybe Chip Kelly. Two interim coaches. Jimmy Lake might get fired. Just trash all around.
**** be stubborn ...he is a meat head OL COACH. I know because im one as well lol.

His offense would be Dan Enos like here for awhile and our fans wouldnt give him the time to fix it.

We'd also be signing qbs from Hialeah American that shouldve went to Middle Tennessee State.

The only thing would be different is the culture of this softness would change with him and his access to better assistants on a coaching tree...though Manny couldve had the same had he not just went with friends from early on.

Im ho hum about Mario..If he comes whatever...but its the same exact feeling i hd when we brought back Manny as HC.

Im a s.fla homer all the way...and want to see guys do well..but i know what i see with my eyes. His teams plays down to every **** body and they scrape wins because they are playing against g5 level talent in most games. As bad as you may think the acc is overall....there is higher quality talent week to week in it. Would he be able to outcoach that?.
Lol man I was tryna explain this to my boy last night..ppl just look at his W/L record..the coastal better than the division he’s in. He’s not out coaching up in Eugene. The talent he has is so overwhelming even if he’s archaic and stubborn running that 2 TE smash mouth style, he’s gunna win. And just like last night vs Wash st, Oregon was in a dogfight but their depth just overwhelmed WSU..could he duplicate that here? I’m not sure he’d come in and just go head to head with the SEC and OSU to get the kids needed..Miami would have to $hange … Miami fans be patient losing to Duke etc while winning 8/9 annually in the hopes he can land the guys to dominate, I doubt that. Talent for talent Oregon is ahead of Miami by a good margin Imo. Especially in the trenches
Look up up the odds of winning the power ball, they are about the same as Mario to Miami. Dude is about to likely get a playoff spot and paid, miracle at this point, Miami too cheap to commit to this program.