Alabama's recruits

There's no such thing as a multi-year scholarship. That's just asinine.

you should really do yourself a favor and do some research before spouting off and looking stupid. Not long ago you tell me to look at a map when I suggest that Missouri goes to the SEC EAST (who needs a map now, *****)

Now this nonsense

The board also approved a measure that will give individual schools the authority to award scholarships on a multiple-year basis.
Under the current model, those scholarships are renewed annually and can be revoked for any reason. If adopted, schools could guarantee scholarships for the player's entire career and would be unable to revoke it based solely on athletic performance. Scholarships could still be pulled for reasons such as poor grades, academic misconduct or other forms of improper behavior.

I made the font nice and big...just for you

don't get butthurt and neg rep me with your " F U troll *****" because you have no clue what the **** you are talking about. It ain't my fault.

That's optional, and schools still run players off. Chris Low was talking about this isht last Sunday. There will find a way to get rid of a player that doesn't produce on the field. The only ones that bother to "complain" were Shula kids, so no surprise there. Jimmy Barnes had no business sniffing a d-1 schollie to begin with, ditto Charlie Kirschman.

so now you are changing your stance. You said:

There's no such thing as a multi-year scholarship. That's just asinine.

No such Thing.

but now you say:
That's optional, and schools still run players off. Chris Low was talking about this isht last Sunday. There will find a way to get rid of a player that doesn't produce on the field. The only ones that bother to "complain" were Shula kids, so no surprise there. Jimmy Barnes had no business sniffing a d-1 schollie to begin with, ditto Charlie Kirschman.

My original post, which your 'no such thing" comment was in response too was:

they can now offer multi-year..coincidence?

I said "OFFER" your
That's optional
is not only irrelevant, since I stated this fact already, but as I pointed out you acknowledging it completely contradicts your initial "no such thing" comment

and no it will not put an end to coaches like Saban treating scholarships as one way streets. It is at least in a step in the right direction and could potentially curb some of it. If a kid is deciding between..say Bama and UGA...UGA might offer the kid a 2-3 year guarantee

but overall you still miss the point. The resolution was brought forward and is in direct response to saban..
The only ones that bother to "complain" were Shula kids, so no surprise there. Jimmy Barnes had no business sniffing a d-1 schollie to begin with, ditto Charlie Kirschman.

seriously? that is your response...just wash it all way by saying they are Shula kids?


Three Alabama players who've taken these exemptions say they believe the team uses the practice as a way to clear spots for better players by cutting players it no longer wants. These players said they believe Mr. Saban and his staff pressure some players to take these scholarships even though their injuries aren't serious enough to warrant keeping them off the field.
"I'm still kind of bitter," said former Alabama linebacker Chuck Kirschman, who took a medical scholarship last year. Mr. Kirschman said Mr. Saban encouraged him to accept the scholarship because of a back problem that he believes he could have played through. "It's a business," Mr. Kirschman said. "College football is all about politics. And this is a loophole in the system."
I wish we used the same loopholes. It's merit-based. Academic schollies often have certain requirements that need to be met in order to maintain the scholarship. Athletic ones are no different to me. Play well or gtfo. I am perfectly okay with this. It forces kids to take this stuff seriously.

it is one thing when a new staff comes in place and nudges kids to transfer or enter the NFL. Generally they tell the kid he wont see much playing time, etc etc...they then help the kid find a school (if he chooses transfer)

Bama is giving the kids the option of 1) transfer 2) medical hardship 3) just get cut.

Saban is not a new also can't ignore the clip at which bama is pushing kids out the door combined with their over-signing. Not many schools can compare (if any).

Your scenario is a bit different because the coaches are not pressed. They want to clear room but they don't have a gun to their head to do so. Bama over signs by so much every year they absolutely have to scour their roster and find ways to get kids out. They have a gun to their head because they have to get down to the 85 before the first day of summer practice.
i haven't seen a beatdown like that since that 1988 when this cat beatdown this guy who stole his moped.
Only a Bama fan would defend Saban and his snake oil tactics.

You fools were irrevelant for a long time as well. Enjoy the fruits of the biggest boosters and biggest payouts to your players.
Didnt some allegatinos surface about the suit store owner doing many of the same things that OSU did with tattoo gate?

Lasted about a day then got swept under the rug