Alabama's recruits

Token, I thought the SEC adopted a new bylaw which was going to limit this practice going forward?

Token, I thought the SEC adopted a new bylaw which was going to limit this practice going forward?

it just limits the amount a team can sign in a given year. It will make the practice of over-signing more difficult but not end it. The new rule is 25 plus count-backs (i.e. Early entries that can be counted back to the previous class).

I believe bama signed 19 last year + 2 or 3 grey shirts from the previous their tally for last year is 22 or 23..meaning they can count back 2 or 3 EE's to last year

lets take this year for example...lets say Bama loses (Early entries, Seniors, and transfers) that hypothetically puts them at 58 kids on scholarship

they count back two EE's and they are now at 60

they sign 25 kids on NSD and they are at 85

they hit their maximum for the class (25 + 2 count backs) and cannot oversign the 85 hard cap

however, lets say their scholarship numbers are 62 instead of 58...and they sign the same 27 (25 + 2 countbacks) they are now at 89 kids. The oversigning continues

i think people get confused some about what is actual over-signing. Over-signing the 25 limit in a given year is not really a big deal. 25 is not really an NCAA is more of a guideline. The conferences pick the individual class limits.

what is an NCAA rule is the 85 number. When teams go over that number is when they are over-signing
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Lets not put all the blame on ' shouldn't be nearly as dumb signing with a team that is loaded in the first place.
Lets not put all the blame on ' shouldn't be nearly as dumb signing with a team that is loaded in the first place.

that is true,...but there are adults in this scenario and i think they feed off the fact that most these kids never think it will be them that gets the axe in a year or two
ok, but dont schools start to lose scholies in the near future if their graduation rate sucks?
Saban strikes out as much as any other coach in America. Difference is, he is allowed to play NFL GM with his rosters

He's prob. the best talent evaluator in the game. He consistently beats out Richt in Georgia for kids like the OL commit for this class and Kenyan Drake.

Saban is upfront about this with the recruits. It's pretty well-known by now that you have about 2-3 years to contribute or else you're out. Plus you factor in academic casualties like 'zo Lawrence, who's blowing up juco this year, etc. To think you'll get 25 kids in each class and every thing will be okey dokey until they're graduate is insanity. Too many variables involve.
They use the medical hardship waiver like no other school. The NCAA has seen it as will probably be putting a cap on that. But until they do....

Gotta go thru SEC offices to do that now. If there's any truth to those claims, I imagine Saban will just cut the kid outright instead of giving him a med schollie.
in the last 2 years bama has had 6 medical hardships. The rest of the ncaa averages about 1 a year

of course homertide said it is because alabama has tougher practices than everyone else

bama also has just flat out not renewed 3 scholarships in the past 2 years

Schollies are on a annual-basis. People ***** more about this than academic schollies.
Ole Miss, Auburn, and Arkansas have done this in the the top of my head.

If nobody is going to do anything about it then I see nothing wrong with what they are doing. I only wish Golden would take advantage of the rules as well.

Don't hate the player, as they say.

the rest of the college football world looks at these scholarships as moral contract between the student and is not against the rules...saban just doesn't give a **** and is not shy about it. Not that anyone should expect less from a dude that walks over convulsing player

Bernie Machen wrote an OP-Ed in sports illustrated recently..I think it highlights the thinking of 99.9% of the schools (and also why the schools decided to pass the multi-year scholarship rule)

Unfortunately, there are universities that sanction [oversigning and grayshirting]... Technically, it's legal to do this. Morally, it is reprehensible.Associated with "grayshirting" -- and equally disgusting -- is the nefarious practice of prematurely ending student-athletes' scholarships. Some are just not renewed even though the student-athlete is doing what is asked of him.Some students are mysteriously given a "medical exemption" which ends their athletic careers -- and makes another scholarship available for the football coach to hand out...What needs to happen in intercollegiate athletics is that universities must accept the moral responsibility to stop and prevent "grayshirting" and its associated actions. The football programs must be accountable and should honor institutional commitments to students. It is, after all, a moral contract.
eventually this has to come back and bite him in the *** right?

If not parents, coaches he has to build relationships with will eventually hate the guy when he keeps ******* over their kids right?
Schollies are on a annual-basis. People ***** more about this than academic schollies.

they can now offer multi-year..coincidence?

and just because the scholarships were annual does not mean they were intended to be used in a manner that bama used it. The intention of the rule was to give schools more leeway for kids that get into trouble.
He's prob. the best talent evaluator in the game. He consistently beats out Richt in Georgia for kids like the OL commit for this class and Kenyan Drake.

Uh no...He hedges and has more kids to work with than most schools (because of oversigning). It is natural that the larger your pool of talent the better chances you have. That is not great evaluation..that is stacking the deck. I give him credit because it is a loophole...but it is dirty and completely against the intention of the scholarship, medical hardship, and 85 roster limit rules. It is, frankly, morally corrupt

also, the example you provided is not evaluation dumbass. That is out-recruiting another school.

When saban had a chance to prove his evaluation the NFL where all things are pretty much equal...he ******* SUCKED. Dude drafted Jason Allen in the first round because he recruited Allen...lulz...i guess he missed that Allen was essentially a human highlight reel...but on OTHER players highlights..getting trucked or burnt

both of his draft classes blew...out of roughly 10 guys he had 1 stick..ronnie brown

Saban is upfront about this with the recruits. It's pretty well-known by now that you have about 2-3 years to contribute or else you're out. Plus you factor in academic casualties like 'zo Lawrence, who's blowing up juco this year, etc. To think you'll get 25 kids in each class and every thing will be okey dokey until they're graduate is insanity. Too many variables involve.

You do not know this. ONE kid said it 2 or 3 years ago...ONE don't know how the kid found out. If the kids mom or coach asks about all the kids leaving the program the coach would have no choice but find a way to spin it. A kid forcing a coach to explain it is not being upfront.

additionally...they did a great job spinning. The kid tried to point out how great bama is because they pointed out that scholarships are only one year but other schools don't. The reality is that others schools don't need to mention it because they are not going to cut the kid or force him into a medical hardship because the COACH mis-evaluated. Most coaches/schools live with their mistakes. How nice of bama to let the kid know they just might **** him in the ***...

and don't give me the other excuses. 95-98% of the NCAA has no problem abiding by the standard recruiting practices. If it is too difficult and too many factors for saban that that completely contradicts your claim that saban is such a good evaluator. Being a little short of 85 should not be a big deal since he evaluates so well and hits on so many recruits.
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eventually this has to come back and bite him in the *** right?

If not parents, coaches he has to build relationships with will eventually hate the guy when he keeps ******* over their kids right?

WIth regards to in the state of Alabama, no. THe pull of the University of Alabama is pretty **** strong. I'm an Auburn grad but I have no problem admitting that Bama is and always will be the major player in the state. Too much tradition, history, etc. They've got a pretty well oiled machine.
I wish we used the same loopholes. It's merit-based. Academic schollies often have certain requirements that need to be met in order to maintain the scholarship. Athletic ones are no different to me. Play well or gtfo. I am perfectly okay with this. It forces kids to take this stuff seriously.
There's no such thing as a multi-year scholarship. That's just asinine.

you should really do yourself a favor and do some research before spouting off and looking stupid. Not long ago you tell me to look at a map when I suggest that Missouri goes to the SEC EAST (who needs a map now, *****)

Now this nonsense

The board also approved a measure that will give individual schools the authority to award scholarships on a multiple-year basis.
Under the current model, those scholarships are renewed annually and can be revoked for any reason. If adopted, schools could guarantee scholarships for the player's entire career and would be unable to revoke it based solely on athletic performance. Scholarships could still be pulled for reasons such as poor grades, academic misconduct or other forms of improper behavior.

I made the font nice and big...just for you

don't get butthurt and neg rep me with your " F U troll *****" because you have no clue what the **** you are talking about. It ain't my fault.
Saban also runs off great players who cut up. There's a reason why Sentimore and Robby Green are not on the team anymore.