Well it's not hard to figure. If manny had some coming to jesus moment what exactly was the result of it? Was banda leaving manny telling him hey you gotta go? Was mike leaving the result of this epiphany? Or has there been some other drastic change I'm not aware of? It comes down to only so many positions on the field. Only one open right now is stroud who's leaving cause he has cancer... He hasn't even been able to officially quit because manny can't find a replacement period let alone an adequate one. So where's this cutthroat version of manny they keep talking about? Cause all I see is his boys still around & not goin nowhere. Then these people saying ed is why banda left & the reason for firings... So since only person who was fired was mike are they saying eds issue & who he got rid of was mike. Lol... I'd imagine someone is gonna be named co dc with baker & is gonna be more of the same. Tron can be a great hire if he's just let do his thing. That would be the epiphany.