Active player recruiting against us?

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Suck Up Season 3 GIF by The Office
Nah...we have good team chemistry. If you guys told better jokes, I wouldnt need a team of spotters looking out 24/7
Man our receiver room is something else.

First We went from having receiver coach pulling a pistol out on a player in locker room one year.

Then we have guys parents complaining on Twitter because a new receiver transferred in and took their snaps.

Now we have guys so scared to lose PT that they try and convince new recruits not to come because they don't want competition

We're gonna need sage & a pastor for that receiver room
Don't forget about B. Smith openly mocking/challenging his coach on Twitter.
I'll add this... Fix the offense and the WR CAN'T recruit against you.

We don't have a single WR over 300 yards receiving besides Colbie Young... 300! That's absolutely pathetic..not hard to recruit against that.

Imagine an Ohio State receiver telling kids not to come there while there's 2 guys on the offense putting up 1000 yards?

And Ohio State has 3 guys over 500 yards rushing

Gattis should’ve been fired halfway through the season
He’s not happy either
He's the kinda player I worry about when we hear starters may transfer. The staff can tell him it'll be fine, but its not hard to see why he's ****ed.

I hope these guys are willing to give the staff ANOTHER chance. But to be fair, some of them have stuck it out for a loooong time, through multiple staffs and systems.

Campbell isn't exactly the elite of the elite. But he's a good example of what I'm talking about.

He committed to and played his first year under Searles. Played his second year under Butch Barry (I legit don't even remember Barry). Played years 3 and 4 under Justice.

Now he's playing for Mirabal and next year his FIFTH offensive coordinator (Richt/Brown, Enos, Lashlee, Gattis, Gattis replacement).

At this point its understandable to hear that some of these guys aren't exactly buying in to "trust me".
My level of concern depends on what the kid was saying. Did the player tell a prospective recruit say, "The school sucks and Miami is a dangerous city." If so, that's totally false and out of line. Or did he say, "The football team has a putrid offense that averaged 19 INCHES per play in the first half against Clemson. Everyone complains about Gattis, but he's running the system Cristobal wants. If Gattis gets replaced, it will be with someone just like him."

If it's the latter, well, I can't really fault a kid for being honest.
This is the old leak a story in the media to cover up our failures trick. Perhaps they are saying this offense is **** and not to come here, but all you would have to do is watch Miami play. The offense speaks for itself.

The recruits aren't blind, who would want to play in this offense. I mean the OC said he wanted to play X and BSmith together bc they are weapons and they had 0 touches on Saturday.
People are caught up in star rankings and blue chip ratios but this thing is rotten to the core and now people are seeing how bad it is.
but certain fans want to call out coaches!! When Mario said there is a lot of work to do he was not joking. people talking about we have talent and talent and talent, there shouldn't have been this much of a drop off. but when you get a coach like Mario hard nose gets here and starts trying to implement Physicality, what do you do when talent is missing blocks, missing assignments, missing tackles not truly buying in to new systems because talent isn't seeing the field or getting the ball. I think anyone who has coached in any aspect of coaching on any level will say talent can only get you so far. You gotta work through the lazy days and hard days. There is a Negativity in some of these players I'm sure because they are not getting looks or time. Maybe Promised certain things by last administration. I just hope that all Players coming and going have success regardless if they are with us or not.
Yeah no.. they not “grown *** men” at least not to me.. they kids.. to me..

Obviously they should be shown the door.. you can’t have that on your team.. but a lot of these kids grew up together.. they’re going to keep it real..

how exactly can they endorse this offense under Gattis/Mario? Both don’t have a history of implementing offense that are in favor of WRs.. Why would I tell my friend that has a chance to make a career out of this and one day feed their family to come give 3-4 years of your life to play in an offense that most likely won’t show case you and your ability?
If you feel twenty year olds is kids that’s your prerogative, it’s weird though. And I’m not saying to recruit them to come, but just don’t negatively recruit them. Now I don’t think there’s a single person here defending Gattis anymore. We know he sucks. So when he gets **** canned the offensive staff will likely be completely different next year. Mario isn’t stupid. There is nothing wrong with wanting a power running game while having the ability to throw it 300 yards as well. Every coach outside of maybe crazy *** Leach would like a power running game. So how about these men stop actin like traitors and instead wait and see. It’s tough but they aint necessarily doing there part to succeed either.
This is the old leak a story in the media to cover up our failures trick. Perhaps they are saying this offense is **** and not to come here, but all you would have to do is watch Miami play. The offense speaks for itself.

The recruits aren't blind, who would want to play in this offense. I mean the OC said he wanted to play X and BSmith together bc they are weapons and they had 0 touches on Saturday.

There's that old story about a new leader who took over a country after a coup. Before he was sent to exile, the old leader told the new leader that he left him 3 letters on his desk and he should open each one after a crisis. Not long after the excitement of the coup died down, the country fell back into turmoil. It was worse than ever. The leader opened the first letter. It said, "Blame the previous leader." So he did, and all the people nodded and agreed, and there was peace for a brief period. A short while later, the country plunged into an even deeper crisis. The leader opened the second letter. It read, "Blame the critics. Tell the ignorant people that the critics are destroying the people's faith in their leadership, and that's why the solutions aren't working." So he did. The people attacked the critics and said it was their fault that things were going wrong. For a brief period all the hate was focused on the critics and it reduced the pressure on the leader. But soon after there was the worst crisis of all. Nothing was working. The entire country was in shambles. The people were getting their pitchforks ready for another coup. The leader opened the third letter. It said, "Sit down and write three letters." We're nearing the end of the first season and Cristobal has already opened 2 of the letters.
People that aren’t trolling? I mean there will always be some nut jobs trying to stir the pot

Not saying you’re wrong, I read the board a lot and just have never seen anything like that
Oh @Rellyrell is correct here. There are a number of posters who will die on the hill that we don’t have a culture problem and keep throwing digs around here about it when they get a chance. Some solid posters too.

Our culture/locker room problems are present. That is a fact. Also a fact that it does affect the product on the field. It’s also just 1 of many other issues that need fixing and not in any way an excuse for the other problems.

We have not had great leadership at the top for a very long time. We have also not had great upperclassman peer leadership for a long time (Im not speaking in absolutes). To these seniors defense, they never were shown the way by older players before them. It’s been a vicious cycle for a very long time.
People will blame the kid but if the offensive staff wasn’t a complete disgrace, this wouldn’t be happening.

A complete housecleaning is needed after next week. No one except Mirabal should be safe.
****show or not, the kid is not doing himself any favors. He is not good enough to portray himself as a locker room cancer.
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