According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

Staying on as DC
I wanted to down vote or make a puking face, but then realized I had the same thought, but was too disgusted with the idea to post it. You are brave.

In all seriousness, even though I really wanted a real competition for the job, Mario should be a big upgrade. Who he hires as OC and DC will tell us a ton about how well he will do here. If he pulls a Dan Enos type of hire, it's going to get ugly in a hurry. We aren't paying him 8 mil a year only to hire scrubs. We need the best and the brightest we can get, because Mario can not do it alone. He's not THAT good. No one is.
While I really want Manny to be replaced as HFC, he will always be part of the U family to me. He landed the core of an ACC championship level team. He brought swag back with the TO chain that is now a solid part of college football landscape. He cared about us and did not go searching for a “better job“, are you listening Al? I hope he lands a solid job and does well in the future.
Well we should get rid of the TO chain now, time to play real football where scalps are more important than jewelry!
That's the guy I said was full of **** other day with the manny "news "

This guy?! Lol.
