According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

Again, the media is mad that we’re doing something. With this process we’ve shown that we will commit major $$$, will go after big time coaches, and have the resources to compete. Their favorite punching bag isn’t going to be available anymore.

You guys seriously think the people that run “Look At The Small Crowd At Miami Game” stories at least three times a year are going to do anything but take a dig at us?

Yep, it goes against their constant narrative of Miami doesn't have money and is second rate. They big mad.
I really can’t understand why so many of you can’t figure out that Manny and his staff were told that they were likely leaving the program but there was a small chance that they might be retained pending the outcome of a search. There is no part of this where Miami would be that disrespectful to a good soldier that they wouldn’t have at least told him that there was a chance he could stay though it might be unlikely especially considering his connections to the board of trustees and of course who his dad is
People get it, it’s just beyond stupid to operate like that and have him as a backup plan. It is a lose lose to not just cut him loose. Bringing him back if we struck out in the market would have been the worst outcome imaginable, so that should have been taken off the table
I doubt there will be any kind of announcement with the wording that Diaz is "fired". It will be more conservative given his connections, etc to BOT and the way he handled the whole thing. Probably more an announcement of coming to terms on a buyout, etc.
This should not have leaked until after Manny was dismissed officially.....huge fan of grabbing Mario (if true).....not a fan of how this has been handled
Manny just might be retained in some off field role....has anyone ever thought about that? Also, just because sources are leaking information doesn't mean it's 100% done....although it does appear imminent

Again, the media is mad that we’re doing something. With this process we’ve shown that we will commit major $$$, will go after big time coaches, and have the resources to compete. Their favorite punching bag isn’t going to be available anymore.

You guys seriously think the people that run “Look At The Small Crowd At Miami Game” stories at least three times a year are going to do anything but take a dig at us?

Can someone please troll Dodd? @TrumpyCane
Manny just might be retained in some off field role....has anyone ever thought about that? Also, just because sources are leaking information doesn't mean it's 100% done....although it does appear imminent
Diaz kept around to clean up Blake James office.
I doubt there will be any kind of announcement with the wording that Diaz is "fired". It will be more conservative given his connections, etc to BOT and the way he handled the whole thing. Probably more an announcement of coming to terms on a buyout, etc.

Yep part of his separation agreement, I believe that's why there's such specific language that infers that Diaz would be retained were such an extraordinary candidate not available.
They’re trying to say it’s not done to cover for all the leaks and protect the reputation of the program. Probably leaked before Mario told Oregon and before manny was fired. There’s an order of operations to these type of things and for some reason this has been a complete **** show and looks unprofessional from the outside looking in.
For some reason? It’s miami
I really can’t understand why so many of you can’t figure out that Manny and his staff were told that they were likely leaving the program but there was a small chance that they might be retained pending the outcome of a search. There is no part of this where Miami would be that disrespectful to a good soldier that they wouldn’t have at least told him that there was a chance he could stay though it might be unlikely especially considering his connections to the board of trustees and of course who his dad is

Well, They really reeled you in didn’t they?
Manny has been informed through the whole process, and has been a great solider doing everything right to help the program, and the kids throughout. He's been grinding. He's been a stand-up guy who just wants what is best for everyone... as he has been throughout his time at Miami. He grew up going to Canes games at the Orange Bowl, he loves this city.

He tried his best to win here, with one arm tied behind his back (if you don't think that's true, ask Kirk Herbstreit). He did so much right, but it wasn't enough as he had too low a ceiling, and it's time for Miami to step into the big leagues again.

He is leaving this program a lot better than he found it (there is a lot more under the hood than 3 point losses and W/L) and I am thankful for that.

He needs to go, there is no doubt about that, but if I ever see him I will buy him a shot of 42 and thank him for working hard to bridge the program during a very turbulent time. The way he's stood up like a man while we were shopping his job I will never forget. Nor should anyone.
He did a lot wrong too, not his fault he had no previous experience. He was supposed to make his mistakes at Temple so no one would really see them, then when ready for a bigger stage and spotlight he would not make those same obvious mistakes. He just didn't have the tools to take this job and whoever hired him is the one that did him a disservice.

I wish Manny the best, he does love this program and God bless him, he did what he could do. I hope he succeeds in the long run, sometimes you get your dream job too early and what are you going to do, not take it??? I would like him to succeed at whatever he does, hope he takes the proper steps to learn and grow before he gets thrown into the inferno again.