According to sources: Mario Cristobal will be the next Head Coach at Miami

It doesn’t bother me that Manny hasn’t been fired yet. What bothers me is that we would consider keeping him.

As a practical matter we have no DC and Lashlee is gone. We’d be leaving the program with a bunch of position coaches who are all probably more worried about their next job than recruiting. Manny is getting paid a lot of money, it’s fair to ask him to keep the ship afloat a little longer.

I think Dr Frenk needed to be more out front. He should have set expectations early on. Some really simple PR 101 **** would have gone a long way. His silence allowed the rumors and gossip to fester.
Hey you know else isn't happy? The children working in Phil Knight's sweatshops in Vietnam.

Wow talking about having to kiss the ring. This article came off to me as painting an odd picture of Phil Knight. Like most billionaires he is your best friend until you do something contrary to what he wants you to do. And then he cuts you off.
Mario knew on Friday when he didn’t sign the extension that he was dome at Oregon.
so all of college football is speculating about DABO maybe Dabo is leading people on really silly stuff. There are 2000 posts here very complex situation but in the end you go with your gut mine says we get Rad and Mario but it comes with high stakes bidding on both sides. Fans are always last too know.
It doesn’t bother me that Manny hasn’t been fired yet. What bothers me is that we would consider keeping him.

As a practical matter we have no DC and Lashlee is gone. We’d be leaving the program with a bunch of position coaches who are all probably more worried about their next job than recruiting. Manny is getting paid a lot of money, it’s fair to ask him to keep the ship afloat a little longer.

I think Dr Frenk needed to be more out front. He should have set expectations early on. Some really simple PR 101 **** would have gone a long way. His silence allowed the rumors and gossip to fester.
He couldn’t say or do anything don’t you get that scheech Dr. Frenck cannot hola a gun to Mario’s head. Perhaps the cuban Mafia has done that. lol
If I really wanted to marry my slob of an ex girlfriend, who is now a haggard bar crawler, I played it all wrong.

The cognitive dissonance is incredible.
Phil Knight is one **** of a ruthless capitalist to also be a communist.
Considering that capitalism and communism are economic systems, what about the Nike business structure is communist?
He is double dipping maybe pay attention to how all of his paid endorsers never hesitate to have an unfavorable opinion of the US and remain awkwardly silent towards any social issues in China.
He is double dipping maybe pay attention to how all of his paid endorsers never hesitate to have an unfavorable opinion of the US and remain awkwardly silent towards any social issues in China.

No ****, because they all love $ above all else. I don't agree with their views but Phil Knight/Nike are the ultimate American capitalists. They exploit labor for profits and only care about what impacts their bottom line