A quick update after talking to some people

The other nasty side effect of needing to put a decent product on the field isn't just about landing new whales, but keeping the whales we have. With the portal, another lackluster season and the Mauigoas and Waynes of the world will most likely be gone to greener pastures.
This is what concerns me the most. It wasn't that long ago we had that whole TVD issue.

By the looks of your join date, you weren’t here yet.

But people should never forget that Macho was the same guy who defended Donofrio tirelessly and tried to convince everyone of it.

Recruiting was precisely why Mario was brought here. The narrative was always that he had shown the ability to get highly rated recruits and was one of the literal top recruiters in the country.

But yeah, now the propaganda, I mean narrative, is that we need to win games before Mario becomes this elite recruiter again.

So is Mario an elite recruiter or not? Someone please answer this question without defaulting to “yes but he needs to win” because that makes absolutely no sense logically.

Bro, eat a d!ck.
Yall keep regurgitating this same BS.
I said one good thing about the guy backed up by several negatives, and you tools took off with the "mAcHo DeFeNDeD d-No" garbage.

You heard (read) what you wanted to read and conveniently left out the rest.

Bro, eat a d!ck.
Yall keep regurgitating this same BS.
I said one good thing about the guy backed up by several negatives, and you tools took off with the "mAcHo DeFeNDeD d-No" garbage.

You heard (read) what you wanted to read and conveniently left out the rest.


We know you had a coach crush on No D … you loved him like lemon pepper wings … 😎
Bro, eat a d!ck.
Yall keep regurgitating this same BS.
I said one good thing about the guy backed up by several negatives, and you tools took off with the "mAcHo DeFeNDeD d-No" garbage.

You heard (read) what you wanted to read and conveniently left out the rest.

they act like you cant compliment someone even if they are bad at their jobs. U make one statement I guess it means you fully supported his scheme all the way to the boys club where he was prolly giving up 600 yards on the ground to little white kids. (like my white peeps but you get what I mean)

We ricans cant even make pop warner if that makes yall feel better if anyone got offended.
Every time we have a lame duck coach there are excuses up the *** on why we fail. Now it’s we need to win to recruit better.
We have a mediocre (if we are being VERY kind) WR coach and probably are broke again with a pretty terrible gameday coach who has a boner for archaic systems who hired an OC who fell on his face the only time he was away from Dana.
Yeah, same old same old
What a Ray of sunshine.

Of course you need to win to recruit better.

they act like you cant compliment someone even if they are bad at their jobs. U make one statement I guess it means you fully supported his scheme all the way to the boys club where he was prolly giving up 600 yards on the ground to little white kids. (like my white peeps but you get what I mean)

We ricans cant even make pop warner if that makes yall feel better if anyone got offended.
I'm Italian, we'd buy our way onto the Pop Warner team or else....
True. But if the bag is big enough to put substantial cash in your pockets and help your struggling parents pay miami rent costs that's too much for certain kids to pass up.
Is this a hypothetical or is that what’s going on with this kid?
This is true. It's not a rule, its just being asked because you don't want the clean-up-ladys to start complaining because dudes can't hit the **** toilet. Plus, I don't wanna sit in **** ffs.

But I stand to **** in a pub, obviously. If you have to take a ****, use the womens restroom.
True. But if the bag is big enough to put substantial cash in your pockets and help your struggling parents pay miami rent costs that's too much for certain kids to pass up.
lets not pretend like frost coached guys compared to rhule coached guys are the same. rhule while wasn't a good NFL coach (saban wasn't either) is a good college coach.