A Few Guys Arguing Non-Stop [F/K/A "Let’s check on Lane Kiffen"]

Mario takes over an 0-12 team: “quit making excuses”

Lane goes 7-6 at USC: “but his scholarships!!!”

Too predictable.
If you don't think 30 reduced scholarships has a huge impact on what you can put on the field then there's nothing to discuss. We have lived it here at Miami. They had to play walk-ons in their 2 deep his last year. Still had the 3, 3, 8 and 12 ranked classes.
If you don't think 30 reduced scholarships has a huge impact on what you can put on the field then there's nothing to discuss. They had to play walk-ons in their 2 deep his last year. Still had the 3, 3, 8 and 12 ranked classes.
Read the whole post, my man.
Well, you’re missing the entire context. If Mario’s record is going to be laughed at because he took over an 0-12 program, don’t tell me how hard it’s been for Lane.
I'm not the one laughing at his record. Im pointing out Lane isn't as bad as some say.

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