#6 Booker T Washington vs #1 St. Thomas Aquinas- Highlights

I dont know why im defending miramar but fck it, you keep mentioming them like thats still a elite program miramar is mediocre at best but whatever makes you feel good

And you keep making my point for me.

Miramar, Northwestern and BTW get to be 'mediocre' whenever you need them to be. Which is usually right around the time they're getting waxed by STA.

The reverse would never be acceptable.

Like when STA played Northwestern in 2013. Nobody mentions that STA lost 3 games and was probably the worst (or second worst) team they've had in a decade.

I meant 2007 instead of 2008 when west went 15-0 with jacory and all them boys im sure you knew what year i was talking about regardless but ignored it cause it fit your narrative

I can only take what you actually said boss.

And of course 2007 would've been a good one but when you get to cherry-pick years that's going to be the case.

STA doesn't get the benefit of cherry-picking. They have to be game every single year.
Miramar went 5-5 last year lmao look at the shid your bragging about yall are a bettee program then miramar im not disputing that but to gloat over that is pathetic on your part.

Apparently you're too slow to even understand the point being made.

There's no 'bragging' going on. I'm educating you.

You claimed that STA would 'drop' or not re-sign with BTW because of one 4 point loss. Well, first off, it was a 2-year deal. So no way somebody can drop that after 2 years. Second, the same things were being said by the Broward version of you 5 years ago.

"I wouldn't be surprised if STA drops Miramar now!"

Well, fast-forward 5 years...

STA 42, Miramar 6

Get it now?
Why yall avoided playing cent through the dalvin cook joe era? Why yall didnt schedule booker t 2012, 2013 and 2014 when they undefeated? Why dont schedule northwestern 2007 vs northwestern with jacory, sean spence and the rest of them boys?

The tone deafness here is amazing.

STA is supposed to be 'up' every year and now they have to know when Dade County teams are going to be 'up' too. Then they have to schedule accordingly.

But of course those Dade teams (and their crank fans) only call out STA in selective years when they're nationally ranked.

No matter that STA and BTW have played 4 times and STA has won 3 of them. No mention that STA and Northwestern played each other in down years for both teams and STA won that game. No matter that STA offered Central a game in 2014 and 2015 and they declined to play out-of-state.

You're applying a standard to STA that you would never apply to any of the Dade teams you mentioned. I doubt whether you even understand that.
Why yall avoided playing cent through the dalvin cook joe era? Why yall didnt schedule booker t 2012, 2013 and 2014 when they undefeated? Why dont schedule northwestern 2007 vs northwestern with jacory, sean spence and the rest of them boys?

The tone deafness here is amazing.

STA is supposed to be 'up' every year and now they have to know when Dade County teams are going to be 'up' too. Then they have to schedule accordingly.

But of course those Dade teams (and their crank fans) only call out STA in selective years when they're nationally ranked.

No matter that STA and BTW have played 4 times and STA has won 3 of them. No mention that STA and Northwestern played each other in down years for both teams and STA won that game. No matter that STA offered Central a game in 2014 and 2015 and they declined to play out-of-state.

You're applying a standard to STA that you would never apply to any of the Dade teams you mentioned. I doubt whether you even understand that.

Its all good your a homer so you wouldnt understand its not cherry picking it is what it is, its no coincidence sta didnt play those teams i mentioned