3 Most Important Games this year for you


Retired staff
Nov 2, 2011
What 3 games on our schedule do you want to win the most?

The criteria can be whatever you want..... which three give us the best shot at winning the ACC, which 3 would set the tone for the rest of the season, which 3 give us the most momentum on a national scene, which 3 opponents do you hate the most.... etc.

Basically, if I could give you a pen and let you circle 3 games and guarantee Ws, which would you circle?
I'm from Southwest Virginia, so that should explain my order:

1) ****** Tek-9
2) Neuter Dumb
3) Free Shoes U

And a GFY to GT, UVA, Duke, and UNC while I'm at it. We need to win the Coastal, even if we're not in the driver's seat for it this year...need to win it sometime to help accelerate the program's rise. So...why not do it this year when we're not really supposed to?
BC - start the season right and ACC matchup
VT - ACC matchup and can potentially indicate that there is a shift in the ACC with canes rising
Duke - to end the season with a win once and for all and end the season on a positive note and hopefully get that 8th win
1) BC - Getting off on the right foot.
2) ND
3) FSU


ND is two for me becaause I'm flying up from miami so I don't want to spend all that money to see a loss
and FSU because of recruiting...... and its a home game that would be fun
1) BC - Young team... to start losing to weak opponent will kill our confidence
2) ND - A lot of hype and national attention...
3) FSU - Self explanatory. In a perfect world they will come undefeated and get destroyed. But knowing the GOAT 4 loss team, they will find a way to choke before our game.
I'd like to say ND, VT and FSU, but I am going UNC, VT, VA, win the Coastal, take care of FSU later.
Tough one because you can make a case for a number of scenarios. The first 2 are relatively easy to pick. BC because it sets the tone for the season and FSU because... well, its FSU. For the third I'm going with K-State because a win there would not only avenge last year's loss but would also go along way to establishing a solid season. ND is important because you just want to shut those people up, but playing in Chicago is virtually a home game for them and a loss on the road wouldn't be so hard to overcome.

ND is not on the list because it is not a conference game. While it is a big game for us fans, not that important in the grand scheme of the conference and us becoming a ACC power we should have been from the beginning.
Boston College

Kansas State

Georgia Tech

Considering that Bethune Cookman is a give me that would get us to 4-0 t start the season...... That would be the perfect position to be in to start the thick of our ACC schedule.....
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ACC championship
BCS championship


I'd probably say KState, GTech, and Notre Dame. Those are the first few swing games, IMO (I think we win @BC and vs. NC State).

If we win those, we start off 6-0, and the rest is gravy.
BC, VT, FSU hands down. Gotta start the season off on a good note and then clearly VT and FSU are our biggest baddest opponents. ND is a huge game too but considering it is OOC it wouldnt hurt nearly as much as the others
1. BC: need the win to start the season.
2. FSU: our biggest rival
3. VT: big conference game

ND: is a team I desperately want to beat, but they have no baring on where we finish in the ACC.