2nd Back

We have 23 verbal commits already, and everyone agrees we will be somewhere in the 26-28 range, so only 3-5 more schollys available. I'd love to have another back in the class, but our needs are greater elsewhere, IMHO. Obviously you make room for a kid of Knighton's quality if he wants in.
Question is do we hold that spot available?........what will Manny do?...
Yeah that one I wonder about, why did we stop recruiting him?

I feel like we let up too quick on Caz Holmes, I'm pretty sure Seider will get the commit from him, but I don't get why we don't pursue him harder.

In fact, I always felt we should've went after Parrish or Holmes as the 2nd back in this class & never wasted our time with Knighton.

Agree, man. Holmes was the guy I wanted - electric. and the kid even admitted he's open to playing slot. Good attitude, electric, productive, etc. Would like to see us back on him again especially if we have our sights on another undersized scat back type in Parrish.
Not signing a second back would be a mistake, especially with Dallas a possibility to leave and Burns injury prone.
Chaney will play year 1. Next year at the very worst you have Harris, Lingard, Chaney and thats if Dallas leaves (I expect he does) and Burns is hurt/transfers. I think we need depth a lot more in other places.
Chaney will play year 1. Next year at the very worst you have Harris, Lingard, Chaney and thats if Dallas leaves (I expect he does) and Burns is hurt/transfers. I think we need depth a lot more in other places.
2021- If Harris and Liguard leaves we would have Chaney and any freshman we recruit in 2020. That is scary thin depth. Need to plan 2-3 years out.
Do we go after Parrish or Murphy?

Do we scour the nation and see who is still out there?

Or do we wait until after the senior season to see who blows up?

Or do we say FU FSU and continue to recruit Knighton and get him to flip?
A little bit of all of the above. Already have Alpha dog Chaney locked up with very few scholly's left. Don't reach but see what talent emerges during the season. We've already slow-played Parrish so there's no need now to reach.
Yeah that one I wonder about, why did we stop recruiting him?

I feel like we let up too quick on Caz Holmes, I'm pretty sure Seider will get the commit from him, but I don't get why we don't pursue him harder.

In fact, I always felt we should've went after Parrish or Holmes as the 2nd back in this class & never wasted our time with Knighton.
Any local guys that have UM potential ?
Chaney will play year 1. Next year at the very worst you have Harris, Lingard, Chaney and thats if Dallas leaves (I expect he does) and Burns is hurt/transfers. I think we need depth a lot more in other places.

23 committed. If the number is 27, we have 4 ICs left...

We've got our QB for 2020, so there should still be 3-4 on scholarship next Summer. I'm good with TVD.
At WR, I believe we have 10 on scholarship right now. KJ is the only senior and maybe JT4 lights it up and leaves early. They'll be replaced by the 2 committed if you don't count Restrepo (3 if you do). I'm good with Fleming, Redding, and Restrepo.
Recruiting woes and injuries have left us paper thin at LB, and the staff is trying to bring in 4 (with 3 already committed) to replace the 3 outgoing seniors. So that's 1 IC slot of the 4 remaining.
Finley leaves. Washington is coming in to play Striker. That's fine.
With 5 TEs under scholarship, 1 committed, and at least 1 leaving after this season, I'd still like a second TE in this class. That's a 2nd unused IC.
Hill, Patchan, Nnoruka, and Bethel are seniors on the DL. Garvin likely leaves early. Chantz, Moise, Roberts, Height, Riggins, and Q. Williams is a pretty solid DL class. I'm good.
Need help at OL, and I think we have a dozen OL on scholarship. I don't believe there are any seniors on the OL. We have 3 committed. I'd like 1 more savage at OT (Walker). That's a 3rd unused IC.
We're a tad thin at CB and it looks like we're bringing in 2 (with Hodges and Clarke already committed). No seniors. I'm good.
Branch and Francois committed at safety. Knowles is the only senior (unless you want to count Finley, but I've got him as our Striker). Addition by subtraction. I'm good.
No specialists. That's fine, too.

Had Asa stayed, I'd say grab the best CB/S/WR/DE available. But as things stand, and considering the history of injury for those likely to return (assuming Dallas leaves and Burns stays), I'd rather have a 5th RB on scholarship over a lot of other positions. So I'd use that last IC on a 2nd 2020 RB.

As far as who that should be, I agree with those who think Murphy is overrated. I like Parrish, if he can be flipped from Pitt (if he can't, that's a whole different problem). And Marvin Scott is also worth recruiting. Or, maybe some kid enters the portal at the end of the year and Manny can fire it up?
23 committed. If the number is 27, we have 4 ICs left...

We've got our QB for 2020, so there should still be 3-4 on scholarship next Summer. I'm good with TVD.
At WR, I believe we have 10 on scholarship right now. KJ is the only senior and maybe JT4 lights it up and leaves early. They'll be replaced by the 2 committed if you don't count Restrepo (3 if you do). I'm good with Fleming, Redding, and Restrepo.
Recruiting woes and injuries have left us paper thin at LB, and the staff is trying to bring in 4 (with 3 already committed) to replace the 3 outgoing seniors. So that's 1 IC slot of the 4 remaining.
Finley leaves. Washington is coming in to play Striker. That's fine.
With 5 TEs under scholarship, 1 committed, and at least 1 leaving after this season, I'd still like a second TE in this class. That's a 2nd unused IC.
Hill, Patchan, Nnoruka, and Bethel are seniors on the DL. Garvin likely leaves early. Chantz, Moise, Roberts, Height, Riggins, and Q. Williams is a pretty solid DL class. I'm good.
Need help at OL, and I think we have a dozen OL on scholarship. I don't believe there are any seniors on the OL. We have 3 committed. I'd like 1 more savage at OT (Walker). That's a 3rd unused IC.
We're a tad thin at CB and it looks like we're bringing in 2 (with Hodges and Clarke already committed). No seniors. I'm good.
Branch and Francois committed at safety. Knowles is the only senior (unless you want to count Finley, but I've got him as our Striker). Addition by subtraction. I'm good.
No specialists. That's fine, too.

Had Asa stayed, I'd say grab the best CB/S/WR/DE available. But as things stand, and considering the history of injury for those likely to return (assuming Dallas leaves and Burns stays), I'd rather have a 5th RB on scholarship over a lot of other positions. So I'd use that last IC on a 2nd 2020 RB.

As far as who that should be, I agree with those who think Murphy is overrated. I like Parrish, if he can be flipped from Pitt (if he can't, that's a whole different problem). And Marvin Scott is also worth recruiting. Or, maybe some kid enters the portal at the end of the year and Manny can fire it up?
This is why I'm not upset Denis isn't coming. Guard isn't a need for Miami.. Not too upset Worsham is probably trending Bama either. I'm fine with the WR class. Also, Jaelan Phillips may be counting towards the 20 class and not the 19.


Close with 4/5 of them
With Asa Martin jumping ship (I know people say he wasn't much good but this could come back to bite us) I am not sure we can afford to not get one more RB. It seems like every year we think we are "A-Okay" at RB only for us to be wrong at the absolute worse time. Going into next year we would have Cam, Lo, Chaney. (You are kidding yourself if you think DJ is not leaving early and I think Burns will transfer out once Lo gets back to 100% and takes his snaps)

So basically 3 RBs MAYBE 4?

Now I don't think we should take just anybody. But if there is a legit option available, we need to look into it. I say we should be going after the CHolmes kid.