2024 2024 WR Joshisa "Jojo" Trader (Miami Central)

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Don't think he has any QB at UF and FSU that's going to be able to throw him the ball. Don't know what is happening with elite wrs but we need to find out what it is. It can't be the show improvement excuse wrs use for us only. Something else has to be happening.
I agree. I mean I liked the guys we brought in last cycle but they're smaller types.

That’s funny because you’ve been ripping recruiting nerd rankings - to me it’s to cap in the event we miss on our top targets - but you were on this board this past week saying how Mario got a top 7 class and a top 6 class in the portal to make that point but slurp on.

a river runs through it GIF
Rankings are good but always check which coaches are recruiting the target hard (pause), which schools with proven evals will give u a better idea what type of player it is. To me this matters more or the same as the rankings at times. U dont have to tell a player like Bain let me teach u this, u insert that dude tell him his job on that play and his talent does the rest, thats all him. Those are the types of players we are targeting on the DL and man I cant wait.
Literally this, it's that simple. The good thing is the recruiting rankings generally align to this as well where the higher rated players have better offers. If you have all the time in the world you could map out who offered each player but you don't really need to since the rankings basically do this with few exceptions.

I mean the ranking sites probably just follow which players get offered by which coaches/schools as many have pointed out.

Also, unrelated to the points above but stars matter more than anything else and that can't be debated. Go look at the top ranked recruiting teams and they're all the teams winning championships. Not sure why this **** is so hard for some to understand.
Literally this, it's that simple. The good thing is the recruiting rankings generally align to this as well where the higher rated players have better offers. If you have all the time in the world you could map out who offered each player but you don't really need to since the rankings basically do this with few exceptions.

I mean the ranking sites probably just follow which players get offered by which coaches/schools as many have pointed out.

Also, unrelated to the points above but stars matter more than anything else and that can't be debated. Go look at the top ranked recruiting teams and they're all the teams winning championships. Not sure why this **** is so hard for some to understand.
Common sense is difficult for some people bruh they go about their lives debating things that have been resolved. Just debate to debate no matter how much proof stares them in the face.

You, a moderator, have been spamming this board with your grand plan to attack a group of posters in the future if Miami doesn't land your DL dream class. Is that really moderate behavior? Is that really even adult behavior? It's like you're praying to the gods for it to happen, salivating over it. You're setting it up, many of us see that including some of your fellow mods:

"If they don’t land 2-3 of those guys and people try to brush over it and worse on here about recruiting nerds don’t know and kalijah Kancey was a 3 star and what ****** fans we are, I’m just sending them to purgatory for deceitful behavior unbecoming of a forked tongue serpent."

Who the **** are you to tell people what to think? And to threaten to remove their posting privileges if someone, right or wrong, has faith no matter what? Or even does spin? Who cares? We're fans. You think you're Putin or something because you spend night and day here? I get that you take a lot of the meter-maiding off of @DMoney and @Andrew's plates, but you need to take a breath.

And now, you've got fire in your eyes and you're stalking and posting at me all day like you have a vein that's about to burst out of your forehead, because I think the corrupt star system is a joke. Really man, who cares?

Why so much vitriol? Why so much anger?

And what's with the false narrative and the moving of the goalposts with your little screenshots above? I said, in writing, what would be a successful DL class. Getting a decent percentage of the guys Miami is targeting early (including June visits). I also said if we fail to land them, and start offering lesser kids late, its a sign of failure. So yes, we do agree. Always have. Weird how you ignored that to try to create conflict where there isn't any. The difference between you and I (well, there are many lol) is you dismiss any of Mario's prime targets if they don't have the Andrew Ivins 4*+ seal of approval. Fine. I've shown why I think that's absurd, and I'm rolling with actual football and player personnel people, but to each his own. It's cool.

As for the rankings post of mine, and your failed attempt to twist reality above, let me eviscerate your little flank attack: they are what we have. They are all we have. I never said they were useless. I've said FOLLOW THE OFFERS to course correct their massive mistakes and their corruption, and I've said its absurd to see them as superior or even equal to what actual football people think. It's weird how you try to twist what people say, move the goalposts and become a completely disingenuous person when you get really mad. Literally YESTERDAY, I posted:

"Have fun with them (the rankings), and sure, reference them because its all we got, but never let them upset you. And never treat them as credible."

I literally said "reference them" and you are attacking me for referencing them, lol.

Oh, and I also said YESTERDAY:

"Of course there is going to be some correlation between the rankings and the best classes. For there not to be the rankings would have to be completely random and not based of football ability. Even with their amateur scouting abilities and corruption, the better classes are going to be ranked higher."

So whoops. Your little "gotcha" attack fell flat on its face. That you would selectively ignore things I've said that contradict your attack narrative in order to create conflict here is very disappointing. I would expect more from you. We all should.

I've said my peace. You can get your licks in now. Its all yours. Have a great day.
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It’s a bottom line business. There’s no asterisk for why when we’re lining up on game day.

We have a list of players we’re targeting. Land 2 of the best ones and then no one should care about the developmental guys behind them.

Fail to land any of the top guys then we get who we get but be honest about it (not you lol) - don’t rip the rankings as corrupt and say trust the staff to cover for what happened. That’s not being honest about it.
But that's more the point is THEY'RE ALL DEVELOPMENTAL. It's just some far more than others. Look at Taylor when he first got here. It went from recruiting him as he's a monster. 5 star kid that dominates every play etc(same as nesta as a 4 star)to he's a jag because he's not on the field dominating from snap one. Why can't we ever get a kid who's legit anymore(anyone observant stated from his film kids got all the tools. His martial arts background tells you his hands and feet will be Gucci but he's reliant on one move two at best. He'll need time to develop. Well that's a 5 star kid and it took him two years to get into his groove. So who's gonna dictate who's the top guys and it'll still take them on average atleast two years to start showing signs of where we need them to be. Dline and oline are positions physically you still need to grow into. Very rarely do you come straight out of high school and dominate as an interior line man. Because you're matching up against dudes who are physically more developed than you. So either way it's gonna take time and coaching...
I feel like we've crossed into "What is a woman?" territory with the "what is a whiff" question. Its not that complicated unless one wants to do all sorts of mental gymnastics to avoid the straightforward answer. If we have 8 blue chip DTs visiting and go 0 for 8, it's a whiff.
Okay and why is that? In this day and age you better be careful with that what is a woman comment either. Because from one day to the next your son can then be your daughter in this ****ed up world. But anyways I digress. There's 130 some odd fbs schools out there and now kids can take unlimited visits. If there's 8 blue chip dts and we get visits why should we get any of them to sign when they have reasons for where they're gonna go beyond anything y'all are gonna be aware of. Maybe it's more complex than offer them the most money(which more often than not we weren't offering anywhere near the most money to kids last year despite the narrative being put out there). No one determines someone else's free choice. We simply shoot our best shot and see where we land.
But that's more the point is THEY'RE ALL DEVELOPMENTAL. It's just some far more than others. Look at Taylor when he first got here. It went from recruiting him as he's a monster. 5 star kid that dominates every play etc(same as nesta as a 4 star)to he's a jag because he's not on the field dominating from snap one. Why can't we ever get a kid who's legit anymore(anyone observant stated from his film kids got all the tools. His martial arts background tells you his hands and feet will be Gucci but he's reliant on one move two at best. He'll need time to develop. Well that's a 5 star kid and it took him two years to get into his groove. So who's gonna dictate who's the top guys and it'll still take them on average atleast two years to start showing signs of where we need them to be. Dline and oline are positions physically you still need to grow into. Very rarely do you come straight out of high school and dominate as an interior line man. Because you're matching up against dudes who are physically more developed than you. So either way it's gonna take time and coaching...
That’s great man. We have a list of known indisputable top guys. If we get zero of them, we didn’t succeed. I’m never not going to believe otherwise and most people - if they’re objective - won’t either. I get that you have different ties and all to the program and Coach.
You, a moderator, have been spamming this board with your grand plan to attack a group of posters in the future if Miami doesn't land your DL dream class. Is that really moderate behavior? Is that really even adult behavior? It's like you're praying to the gods for it to happen, salivating over it. You're setting it up, many of us see that including some of your fellow mods:

"If they don’t land 2-3 of those guys and people try to brush over it and worse on here about recruiting nerds don’t know and kalijah Kancey was a 3 star and what ****** fans we are, I’m just sending them to purgatory for deceitful behavior unbecoming of a forked tongue serpent."

Who the **** are you to tell people what to think? And to threaten to remove their posting privileges if someone, right or wrong, has faith no matter what? Or even does spin? Who cares? We're fans. You think you're Putin or something because you spend night and day here? I get that you take a lot of the meter-maiding off of @DMoney and @Andrew's plates, but you need to take a breath.

And now, you've got fire in your eyes and you're stalking and posting at me all day like you have a vein that's about to burst out of your forehead, because I think the corrupt star system is a joke. Really man, who cares?

Why so much vitriol? Why so much anger?

And what's with the false narrative and the moving of the goalposts with your little screenshots above? I said, in writing, what would be a successful DL class. Getting a decent percentage of the guys Miami is targeting early (including June visits). I also said if we fail to land them, and start offering lesser kids late, its a sign of failure. So yes, we do agree. Always have. Weird how you ignored that to try to create conflict where there isn't any. The difference between you and I (well, there are many lol) is you dismiss any of Mario's prime targets if they don't have the Andrew Ivins 4*+ seal of approval. Fine. I've shown why I think that's absurd, and I'm rolling with actual football and player personnel people, but to each his own. It's cool.

As for the rankings post of mine, and your failed attempt to twist reality above, let me eviscerate your little flank attack: they are what we have. They are all we have. I never said they were useless. I've said FOLLOW THE OFFERS to course correct their massive mistakes and their corruption, and I've said its absurd to see them as superior or even equal to what actual football people think. It's weird how you try to twist what people say, move the goalposts and become a completely disingenuous person when you get really mad. Literally YESTERDAY, I posted:

"Have fun with them (the rankings), and sure, reference them because its all we got, but never let them upset you. And never treat them as credible."

I literally said "reference them" and you are attacking me for referencing them, lol.

Oh, and I also said YESTERDAY:

"Of course there is going to be some correlation between the rankings and the best classes. For there not to be the rankings would have to be completely random and not based of football ability. Even with their amateur scouting abilities and corruption, the better classes are going to be ranked higher."

So whoops. Your little "gotcha" attack fell flat on its face. That you would selectively ignore things I've said that contradict your attack narrative in order to create conflict here is very disappointing. I would expect more from you. We all should.

I've said my peace. You can get your licks in now. Its all yours. Have a great day.
Nope I won’t ban you for this but I will revert back the post which you deleted and respond, you shrieking drama queen.

You’ve never answered the question honestly. You’re a shilling slurper who changes the rules to suit his arguments,@ me to try to prove a point, gets an answer he doesn’t like, cries and shrieks some more and can’t handle the rebuke including the inclusion of screenshots showing what a fork-tongued hypocrite you are. You’re the biggest shameless slurper on CIS today.

Let me quadruple down so you and those of your shrieking ilk make no mistake about it, you Hecht engorged hussy… If we were to miss all of the top targets and you and/or your slurper friends come on here lying and attacking objective posters for expressing their disappointment, I will absolutely send you and them to purgatory to languish in there… or worse… for posting false information, derails and attacks. Have a nice day.
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