MEGA 2024 Summer Ball

Just to play devils advocate; I know we are excited about the summer offensive numbers being put up by a few guys. But just be aware at this point most pitchers are wearing down. Velo has dipped, stuff isnt as crisp, and in most cases the parks are like an 8am travel ball game. No juice(not all but most). I think at worst our offense is about the same as last year maybe a tick better 1-9. But that being said I still do think this team will/should play smarter which alone should lead to a few more wins...hopefully.
For those in the know.. Is the Cape league a cool vacay spot for the fam w/ two young ball players? Like for a week, catching as many games as possible? Is the area nice with other things to do?
For those in the know.. Is the Cape league a cool vacay spot for the fam w/ two young ball players? Like for a week, catching as many games as possible? Is the area nice with other things to do?
Other than over 50 miles of beaches. both ocean and bay, dozens of swimming and boating ponds, an intersting National Seashore, exposure to the colder. roaring NOrth Atlantic off of Orleans, and games, miniature golf, and a variety of restaurants, there is nothing to do. Don;t know where you are from, but it is not the Jersey Shore. Towns are within a few miles of each other. You need to check the schedule because the season starts mid- June and ends early August to accomodate college schedules. Games are free and parks are intimatebut not bandboxes. Mostgames are at night but a handful of parks did not have lights so they start at 5:00. Brewster has moved so they may have lights now. Orleans and Chhatham are fun and near downtown, as measured by Cape Cod standards.
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Just to play devils advocate; I know we are excited about the summer offensive numbers being put up by a few guys. But just be aware at this point most pitchers are wearing down. Velo has dipped, stuff isnt as crisp, and in most cases the parks are like an 8am travel ball game. No juice(not all but most). I think at worst our offense is about the same as last year maybe a tick better 1-9. But that being said I still do think this team will/should play smarter which alone should lead to a few more wins...hopefully.
You are not going to get multitudes but the growds are loyal to their teams.
OT At this exhaustive web site on the Cape League, there are alot of interesting stats. THe most interesting is that, in the modern college era, the CCBL position player standouts have more successful pro careers than the pitchers. The pitchers winning awards are largely a group of unknowns. Buck Showalter has the third highest batting average in CCBL history. It is also interesting to view the aluminum versus wood bat eras. With 2 or 3 exceptions, all of the hitting lrecords come pre wooden bat. All of the longevity pitching records, wins and innings come from the old era. All of the ERA and save recrods come from the wooden bat/new philosophy era.
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For those in the know.. Is the Cape league a cool vacay spot for the fam w/ two young ball players? Like for a week, catching as many games as possible? Is the area nice with other things to do?
Yes - tons of stuff to do. Well worth it