2024 OL Isendre “Papa” Ahfua

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This might be an unpopular take, but I disagree slightly. The University stepped up big time. There are many examples…his salary…the coaching staff budget….additional staff members (Highsmith, analysts, quality control, recruiting department, etc.)…increased University budgets….private jets transporting coaches instead of flying commercial…etc. There are many examples of the University’s renewed commitment.

Mario then delivered probably the worst season I have ever seen and that includes Lou Saban and Coker teams. The reason we are being forced to overpay is to compensate for last season. That’s on Mario, not the administration. Yet, some of us want the money brokers to fix things by throwing more cash at the problem. That is the fiscally irresponsible thing to do. Throw good money after a bad product?

Mario needs to fix the product before being rewarded with more money. I can understand why some boosters will say…”nah…I’m going to pay market rate, not overpay.” That’s better than not contributing any money at all. Fixing the product means winning 8 games and not having a losing record. Last year’s performance would give an investor pause before investing again, let alone increasing their contribution.

I like Mario. I want him to succeed. In a world with no limitations and no consequences, we would throw obscene amounts of money at players. But that isn’t reality and Mario made this bed. The onus is on him to dig us out of this mess. He needs to show the fans, boosters, administration and the college football world that his program is on the rise and not fledgling. You do that by winning football games. You win football games and the money will start flowing, again.
Excellent post!

Too many posters excused our historically ***** season with excuses such as:

1. Our roster sucks.
2. Gattis sucks, it’s his fault that our offense is buns.
3. We had a ton of injuries.
4. Mario will get it all fixed through recruiting.
5. The locker room is full of selfish players and coaches that don’t care.

The problem with all of this is that Mario already had a bad rep in relation to QB’s and WR’s, and his pre-historic style of football.

So what does he decide to do in his 1st year as CEO?

1. He hires the king of the village idiots as OC instead of a guy like Brady, Briles, Candle, etc., after spending what seemed like an eternity to make the hire.

2. He does the same with all of his other hires (except the Oregon transplants), and proceeds to hire all of his coaches separately, without allowing his OC and DC to bring in their own guys.

3. He comes up with the “how you do anything, is how you do everything” line, and then proceeds to make bad decision after bad decision, and looks like a deer caught in headlights the entire season on the sidelines, making bad decision after bad decision. Not exactly the way to lead by example.

4. He brings with him from Oregon the same trainer that oversaw his previous 2 squads that had numerous key injuries during his last 2 seasons there. Then the same thing happens in his first season here, but to an even more egregious level. Does he fire The Mustache? Of course not.

5. He fails to fire Gattis early on in the season to stop the bleeding, and maybe salvage the season. In fact, he doesn’t even fire Gattis right after the season, but waits a good while before finally letting him go. In the process he gets TVD destroyed, and fails to field a scheme that favors our roster’s strengths.

6. He talks about “accountability”, while consistently throwing kids under the bus, while failing to hold his hand picked staff accountable.

7. He tries to make it seem like the abomination of a season that we were subjected to was “necessary” in order to be able to build for the future.

We end up fielding our worst offense against P5 teams since way back in the 60’s and early 70’s, and a likewise awful defense. This was a historically bad performance on all levels.

It’s clear that he now does not have the funds to pull in the top guys consistently. That well seems to have dried up after the end of the last recruiting cycle. He will now have to prove it on the field and win 9 games minimum this season. Another ***** season, and this underwhelming recruiting class will look great compared to the next one.

Mario, please let your coordinators do their thing this season. Don’t stick your nose in any scheming. The fanbase is pleading with you. Swallow your ego, and let the chefs cook.
Excellent post!

Too many posters excused our historically ***** season with excuses such as:

1. Our roster sucks.
2. Gattis sucks, it’s his fault that our offense is buns.
3. We had a ton of injuries.
4. Mario will get it all fixed through recruiting.
5. The locker room is full of selfish players and coaches that don’t care.

The problem with all of this is that Mario already had a bad rep in relation to QB’s and WR’s, and his pre-historic style of football.

So what does he decide to do in his 1st year as CEO?

1. He hires the king of the village idiots as OC instead of a guy like Brady, Briles, Candle, etc., after spending what seemed like an eternity to make the hire.
I’d WAG a guess that he whiffed on no less than 2 and possibly all 3 of those guys.

I also think there were some legal issues in the way of firing Gattis the way we all would have preferred but he certainly could have let Ponce have a try at that point and taken play calling away from the guy Fwiw.
I think most reasonable fans would be good with top 10 classes, but that is looking very unlikely this season unless we go on some kinda tare and close out on a bunch of highly rated guys, which appear to be trending away.
If we are going to continue signing classes in the 20s, we’ll be in same spot we are now in another 20 years.
Yeah we're totally going to continue signing classes in the 20's. I forgot that this class is already over on August 7th. Something that's happened like 5 times in the last 20 years, is going to be a common occurrence with Mario Cristobal as our coach. Totally a reasonable fear to have...smh
I’m also not even going to blame Mario since this is pretty much out of his control. Did he f^ck up last year? Yeah, yeah he did.

But he got f^cked worse being promised financial commitment for his tenure here and these cheap twats backed off after a year.

This relationship won’t work if he doesn’t get proper financial backing to play the game with everyone else. And that’s a scary, scary thought.
If Mario won 10 games last year kids would be lining up to play here. There was so much energy and excitement squandered with our pathetic season.

Btw I don’t think our boosters backed off, we lost one of our biggest boosters and now our other boosters are being asked to contribute more to make up for it. That isn’t on them
I’d WAG a guess that he whiffed on no less than 2 and possibly all 3 of those guys.

I also think there were some legal issues in the way of firing Gattis the way we all would have preferred but he certainly could have let Ponce have a try at that point and taken play calling away from the guy Fwiw.
I would definitely agree that he whiffed on those guys, but I’d be willing to bet that they didn’t want to be told who their coaches would be, and what style of offense to run.

Mario is a micro-manager, and just needs to learn what his strengths and weaknesses are. I’m still pulling for him, but he CANNOT have a repeat of last season. He needs to trust his coordinators, and be a strong, competent leader.

I also agree that he should have at the very least taken play calling duties away from Gattis after the first 3 or 4 games, and given Ponce a chance to salvage our season. In my opinion, that was a catastrophic mistake.
Going from a supposed multi-billionaire to MAYBE $25M is basically broke.

Guy is leveraged to the hilt on his real estate, planes, etc.

Sucks for UM.

I was responding to @OrangeBowlMagic on the ammo used against us on the trail.
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I was responding to @OrangeBowlMagic on the ammo used against us on the trail.
You just added another round.

Not entirely sure if this is what you’re saying, so, if not, I apologize, but if you think opposing coaches and people negatively recruiting recruits against us are unable to find information on Ruiz‘s demise, and that people posting on this site are providing “ammo” that can’t be found in a nanosecond elsewhere…..well, it’s probably not the dumbest **** ever posted on this board, but it’s close.
I would just love to be a fly on the wall in these negotiations with high school kids who have never played a down of college ball.

And on the other hand you gotta pay big bucks for a five star who has done nothing yet. But your sophomore and junior year guys are maybe getting 40k? Something has to give here and it won’t level out until you have a team full of guys who were recruited initially with nil
Not entirely sure if this is what you’re saying, so, if not, I apologize, but if you think opposing coaches and people negatively recruiting recruits against us are unable to find information on Ruiz‘s demise, and that people posting on this site are providing “ammo” that can’t be found in a nanosecond elsewhere…..well, it’s probably not the dumbest **** ever posted on this board, but it’s close.
:ROFLMAO: Even if I wanted to do so, I don’t know if I can accomplish that feat.
Perpetuating something that is unfounded was more so my point.
@BS85 @moshated305 @skeeter @ZeroBeachCane3

How’s the receptiveness to objective criticism of recruiting and NIL in/on/at other places you all may visit from time to time???



I mean I have the same screen name at another site as you apparently know and yeah, they're completely irrational homers. However, even a lot of them are starting to freak out which just shows how bad it is.
:ROFLMAO: Even if I wanted to do so, I don’t know if I can accomplish that feat.
Perpetuating something that is unfounded was more so my point.

Ah, OK. Gotcha. I wouldn't really agree it's unfounded at this point, I mean the guy is going down in spectacular flames. But regardless, I'm not discussing Ruiz any more on this site. I've said what I think about the whole situation, it's beating a cremated horse at this point. But unfounded or not, that's the perception of him, and you can bet your *** that's being said as nauseum to every single kid we're recruiting by our rivals.
I mean I have the same screen name at another site as you apparently know and yeah, they're completely irrational homers. However, even a lot of them are starting to freak out which just shows how bad it is.
That Ahfua thread over there is a disgrace. A bunch of Vigilante bully slurpers running around unchecked. I’d ban or purgatory them all here. Did you see Gaby’s response to @moshated305 ?


i.e. “how can you be so stupid as to take my content seriously?”

David Lake did the same type of **** last cycle and used the same bull**** excuse. He Crystal balled a bunch of 5 stars to Miami like a year or so out, some with a 3 confidence, and then said it was just a fun exercise.
Not entirely sure if this is what you’re saying, so, if not, I apologize, but if you think opposing coaches and people negatively recruiting recruits against us are unable to find information on Ruiz‘s demise, and that people posting on this site are providing “ammo” that can’t be found in a nanosecond elsewhere…..well, it’s probably not the dumbest **** ever posted on this board, but it’s close.
No, you’re just giving comfort to the enemy attacking our booster side by side with the gator and Nole. That’s not dumb of me to point out. It’s dumb of you and your cohort CFLCane to think you’re helping the situation and not helping our enemies.
No, you’re just giving comfort to the enemy attacking our booster side by side with the gator and Nole. That’s not dumb of me to point out. It’s dumb of you and your cohort CFLCane to think you’re helping the situation and not helping our enemies.

There’s nothing good you did by attacking our booster publicly, spitting vitriol at him both here and on Twitter as you’ve said, along side your comrades the gator and Nole. Let them do that. Let the government do whatever. No good Cane should be doing the job of our enemies. That’s rat snitch level treachery.

Keep bringing it up, though, Omar.
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