Man, these motherfūckers don't realize they're still trying to integrate fraternities and sororities at the University of Alabama.
Not 50 years ago, not 30 years ago, not 20 years ago. TODAY! The year of our Lord 20fūcking17.
Just Google "Alabama sororities and fraternities racism" - the dates you'll see are within the last few years, some from this year. Read a few of the articles, most dated very recently. These fūckers don't even pretend - still racist KKK supremacists to the core.
These people are living breathing time machines from 50+ years ago. Pathetic.
I'm always astonished to see young black men from South Florida so thirsty for the chance to go dance for that KKK trash.
Yet their "heart is always in Tuscaloosa". I know when I hear that mealy mouthed logic coming from a recruit, they themselves don't even believe it.
Anyhow, the only plausible explanation is that the players all hang out in their separate community, hang at black frats, etc. Everyone lives in their own segregated bubble. My guess
yep. same as all the black FSU players hanging out at FAMU ... there is no college life for FSU on FSU campus. It's a joke.